Photoperiod WVR's Photo Grow

wow bro that OC:drool:she looking very nice emmmmmmmmmmm she looking like my carmel cearm :D nice and snowy :thumbs:, anyway have nice day bro look forward to more of you updates
:peace: Kudo
Thanks very much Kudo! I need to check out your Cream Caramel! You have a great on too :smokebuds:bro!

So I was digging around the Orange Crush and it turns out it's a fucking hermi. I don't understand how this happened. Now my wife is all pissed at me and telling me to chop it. Because it will ruin "her mystery kush". she's blaming me because it hermi'd.

"2 out of 3 photos hermi'd on us in the last 6 months. You OBVIOUSLY can't grow photos."

So now I feel like complete shit and my Wife belittles me even more. Well I guess I'm gonna have to chop her and there goes my dream of WV Orange.

Fuck this day. I'm done.
damn that sucks rebel

i wonder if its from bluberry in it

again sorry for your loss and by chop her you mean the oc and not Mrs rebel right
damn WVR im sorry to hear that.

and don't forget to mention to your wife that she's more than welcomed to grow out her own plants if she think she can do it better. She's lucky shes getting any smoke at all thanks to you man!

you may have a herm but you'll also have some buds too! remind her of that when you 2 are puffing down that orange crush.

and hey, even if you decide you don't want to smoke it you could always turn it into hash! you could have an ounce of dry ice hash in a couple of hours or even turn it into butter for edible...just a thought.

sending good vibes your way for a better day tomorrow. :smokebuds:
LOL Dude you always make me laugh! So I should chop her then huh? The plant I mean lol Do blueberry have a tendency to herm?

Hey Spels. I really appreciate your kind words friend. My brother in law tells her that all the time but some women you just can't please no matter how hard you try! So what would you do? Chop it or just let it go? The Mystery Kush is in there too so those beans are shot as well huh?

Thanks again you guys. I don't think it's something I did but I'm always the one getting blamed!
bro i think that some bluberrys due have a tendency to throw a hermi. probly comes from the sati side
Hey WVR, bro sorry you're havin a rough day. Here, this will help :smokebuds: Ok, now three deep breaths in through the nose, out through the mouth.... and another :smokebuds: Ok. Now, understand bro that these things just happen sometimes. You can give them all the love in the world, ideal conditions, etc. and sometimes it just happens. Even if it's a 1 in 100 or 1 in 1000 occurrence within a particular seed stock, someone has to be the 1 and if that's the case here, it was gonna happen no matter what you did. Plus, who knows... if you do get beans out of the deal, they might be the diamond in the rough cross of your dreams. Don't let the missus get to ya... and another :smokebuds:
oh for god's sake... stick a big fat jay in her mouth and tell her to smoke it and ask her how to grow better after she's fried and can't talk... :crying:

i feel ya bro.... this is why i dont have a gf... cant seem to find one who doesnt have a little too much opinion... fortunately, theres cool chicks like splsylver out there to remind me they are not all bad!

no worries bro... bb's have a slight hermie tendency anyway... and shit happens... like KS said...

lol... tell the wife she can always go hang with the nosey neighbor! :crying:

and yeah...

:smokebuds: :smokebuds: :smokebuds: :smokebuds: :smokebuds:

oh yeah, you can always tell her if you hadnt caught it you'd both be smokin schwag so she should thank your good grower's eye that you caught it... :toke: