Photoperiod WVR's Photo Grow

Hey CC! Nice to see a new friend following along! Thanks for the compliment! Yeah I don't have them anymore. I gave them to a friend. I will check yours out for sure! I may get some later on when I can do an outdoor grow. Thanks for coming along man!

Well you got me following along now bro. Don't see how i missed it Sub'd
Sweet L3V3R! Great to have you along! Today is literally Day 1 with the OC so you're right on time for some Orange Action!! :D
I've been hit by the bad bad luck bug. First I wake up to a dead Orange Crush... It was leaning over. Cotyls were still green but it was leaning over... I watered it but it didn't help. So down to one OC... I have 3 more in the PT now.

I fell pretty bad on my property yesterday and cracked a rib and nearly broke my wrist. Also my bad leg from the wreck I twisted so I'm a mess today... The rib is the worst part so it's very difficult for me to stay on the laptop for periods of time. So, picture updates will be sparse until my rib gets a bit better. Plus it's hard to type with my hand/wrist.

The BuKu is rockin'! Definitely growing this strain out again and again! Glad I crossed it with an auto!

The remaining OC is doing quite well. So, I'll keep you updated and get pics up when I can. Hopefully I'll be back at it soon! Hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving.
That's some tough luck Rebel. I hope you're feeling better real quick. I'll have to light up an extra one to strengthen the Strong Bone Karma I'm sending you!
:howdy:Bro hows it all going,hope all good,im update my thead on me photo soon looking so :drool:,anyway look forward to see them new updates on your bro, so till later :peace:
damn west i leave for 4 days and come back to you all busted up!

cracked ribs are a bitch and a half! into a scuffle back in the day and wound up with 3 cracked ribs. Had to sleep sitting up for almost a month. Hurt to breathe. real bummer. Sorry to hear of your troubles.

sending you good vibes and wishing for a speedy recovery! :smokebuds: