Indoor would this work?

muddy--which bulbs do i need for autos?the veg bulbs or the bloom bulbs or 1 of each?thanks man
muddy--which bulbs do i need for autos?the veg bulbs or the bloom bulbs or 1 of each?thanks man

Ripster has had very good success going from seed to harvest with 6500k veg bulbs. This goes against conventional wisdom that 2700k is necessary for flowering, but his results don't lie. I'm just getting started with a similar grow to see the results for myself. Generally the fixtures come with 6500k bulbs so I'd go with those for a while. If you aren't liking how the flowering is going, you can always throw in a 2700k down the road. Also, if you're looking to use the box for seed starting of your vegetables, you'll want the 6500k for that.
are you in tarheel state? carolina?
I've never grown with T5s so can't help you there. I'm HPS and LED. Andy's suggestion to you is right on. There are also forums dedicated to T5 and micro growing. You should go over there and check out some of the threads and see how other people are doing it.

I have a vegging setup with a 175 watt MH and four CFLs. I start all my vegetable plants under it in the spring.

muddy i think im goin with the t5 2 foot 4 bulb--about right ?or will 2 bulb combo work in my small area shold run alot cooler right less trouble to get rid of heat