day 47 of 12/12 for the Critical Jack (and Blueberry mum)I'm guessing she has around two more weeks of feed then a 7 to 14 day flush the feed is 1 ml Canna Mono Calcium,1 ml Canna Mono Magnesium,1 ml Silica,2 ml Canna A+B each and 0.5 ml Buddha's tree pk boost per ltr of water pic time
Critical Jack Herer day 47 of 12/12
here's a couple of pics of the poor old Blueberry mum same feed as above
Blueberry mum day 47 of 12/12
next up is Female Seeds Lemon Kush day 53 she canny wait no more captain she's getting cloned tomorrow (more like fookin butchered) pics
Lemon Kush day 53
next up is
@Magic Prima Donna day 22 now I know
@Itisi said flipping them to 12/12 then reveging them would damage potency so ive had a search around theres some that say it does and some that say it doesnt

but most if not all are talking about fully flowered plants harvested then reveged while as soon as I see sex on these they will either be dead or back in the veg tent pics
Magics Prima Donna day 22
now last but not least the Blueberry clones at day 63

ive tried quit successfully to keep them short but now I'm losing might need to get the scissors out again
Blueberry clones day 63
well hope you all have a great weekend peace out :smoking: