The critical and mum are looking very nice.
Cheers ducks the blueberrys looking a bit rough but seems to be flowering ok the critical are flying not very tall but stacked with buds from the bottom to the top I'm thinking when the stretch is totally finished I'm going to start removing fan leaves let light in right to the bottom of the plant [emoji106]

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Right that's miss Lemon Kush potted up into a 6.5 ltr pot and have gave her a good watering

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You sooo on it with the photos mate, great to see.
Cheers Jay just need to time shit better with the cuttings just trying to figure out the best time to germ some of magics beans as there regs will have to see what sex they are first might do it today

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I just can't help myself that's two of @Magic beans into root riot cubes Prima Donna x2 right besides putting them in the 12/12 tent then revegging them is there another way to sex them if these pop I will open up a thread in magics section

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How long are veging the photos before you go to the 12/12 tent?
That's the million dollar question ducks I'm deliberately under feeding them and letting them get a bit root bound to keep the size down if I get my timing right I should be vegging while I'm flowering so around 10 to 12 weeks in future big bushy girls and if I keep running the same few strains I will get a better idea what's what

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That makes sense. I'm guessing if you veged them for less time there would not be any room for them in the flower tent. I guess you could turn the veg tent into a flower tent too if ya wanted to go with less veg.