AAAAAhheeeemmmm. This is me, the guy in the market for indoor-sunshine at the moment ... LED nirvana-chasing via Which? magazine ... fucking hypocrite I am.
I just wanted to find a reason to share the video, 'cos I like it so much! sorry.
Gonna be honest every one will say the same my LED is the best is mine haven't got a fucking clue I love mine but there not cheap think my 3 cost around £1200 after stupid taxes and thats only 600 watts draw from the plug if your handy then look at the diy section I'm thinking cobs are the way forward [emoji106]

Amused ourselves to death


Oops, where did that spring from?
Ok, only kidding ... I'm itching to get going inside now the weather's turned ... I'm about 4/6 weeks away from getting kitted-up in the shed, so I'm doing my playground foot-stomping bit.
Sorry, I'm like a spoilt kid when it comes to weed .. I want it strong and I want it NOW!

View attachment 646392

Oops, where did that spring from?
Try growing one of them out doors in the middle of Liverpool won't last long got a mate who lives on a canal he does the odd gorilla grow prefer my tent coco and bubble buckets no pesky insects

Amused ourselves to death
A Scouser? ... man, The Wirral's practically my second home ... I'm from North Wales.
I know, I know, it's across the water ... not true 'pool, but the humour's the same!

I do love the North West. :headbang:
Well, this one's been grown outdoors in the middle of Birmingham. Does that count?
Brummies can't sniff out weed like scousers can [emoji23] [emoji23] oh did I mention I'm a lazy grower takes me all me time getting in the loft lovely girl by the way but I'm sorted with coco and bubble buckets if it ain't broke and all that

Amused ourselves to death