Why don’t my plants fade?

Do you follow the Floraflex schedule to a "t"?
Nah, fertigation frequency, feeding strength, and the last few weeks of flower is always up in the air. As an example, my current run I have all different genetics. I'd like to use Full Tilt, but since they're all on the same reservoir, I think I'm gonna hold off. The Northern Lights has a ways to go.

I've also incorporated Bulky B and a few foliars this run compared to the last. In addition to using a full 5gal pot of Coco vs. Coco/Perlite which has affected fertigation rates.

I like making small changes from grow to grow to see what works and what doesn't while also trying to keep it simple.
Nah, fertigation frequency, feeding strength, and the last few weeks of flower is always up in the air. As an example, my current run I have all different genetics. I'd like to use Full Tilt, but since they're all on the same reservoir, I think I'm gonna hold off. The Northern Lights has a ways to go.

I've also incorporated Bulky B and a few foliars this run compared to the last. In addition to using a full 5gal pot of Coco vs. Coco/Perlite which has affected fertigation rates.

I like making small changes from grow to grow to see what works and what doesn't while also trying to keep it simple.

Same. I always see what I can get away with when it comes to juicing them to see how hard I can push them. Or, to see how much I don't NEED to push them.

Conversely, I feed them very little the first couple weeks.

My plants don't always (rarely?) finish at the same time, but I try to find the best, middle ground, to put them into the final few weeks.

I manually feed, just in case, so I can adjust one plant if needed. But my plants do tend to go with an ETA/ time to harvest, most of the time. I'm on Full Tilt now.

I always use Bulky B since they released it. I don't really know if I see a difference vs when the nutes just called for Full Tilt = before Bulky B was out? Foliars I don't see much difference really, if any. I have a TON of their foliar nutes too.

Still lots of room to play, but the only consistent thing I notice is for ME that least week, feeding vs straight water, I see no difference.

I don't normally extend the week of B1/2 as they mention. Once I make the call to do it, I usually go to dropping the 1/2 and extend the full tilt a week if need be. YMMV.

Just curious to see how others work around a "feeding schedule".
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