Photoperiod White rhino grow in the dank den

if you don't pinch the soil tight around the stem, and there is an air pocket where the stem is placed, they'll die

250 watt hps is too little to take advantage of that size tent but is usable, grow one or 2 plants under it keep the pot size small 2-3 gallon will be plenty. bigger pots mean bigger plants and you light won't be enouigh for a large plant in flower.
14-16" should work as an ideal height for your light. And yes, autos will grow fine under HPS.

Also I have a few questions about this new setup.
1) what distance should my light be from the canopy? It's 250w MH

2) my grow space is 1x1x2m is a 250watt light enough for this size tent? Is it to much light, or just the right light for this space?

3) can I grow a auto under a HPS? I wouldn't mind dropping a THC bomb seed in with the WR, if I drop it now it'll be ready around the same time as the white rhino.

Many thanks for any info giving on the above questions... PEACE! :baked:

I have an actual tent!
Well today has been exciting, the rest of my gear arrived today, so I've been busy pulling the dank den down and setting up the new tent, it's bigger then I realised haha oh well more room = more plants :vibe:
I have a 250watt MH running in a cool tube and man does that make a difference, left it running for an hour and my temps are @ 28 degrees, so I put my lovely lady in and she's loving the extra light, on the other hand my clone trail failed hard, I came home from work this morning to find it shriveled up and dead, it lasted 3 days and over night it just gave up on me, not sure what caused the problem but trail and error I'll get a clone to take root one day, with that being said here's some pictures! :thanks:View attachment 701699 View attachment 701700 View attachment 701701 View attachment 701702
Also does anybody know what could of caused this? It's only on this branch no others, to me it looks like the light burnt it, but that's not possible I have tops closer to the light then this branch it has me beat, ideas?? ‭View attachment 701703Poor little clone
View attachment 701704
if you don't pinch the soil tight around the stem, and there is an air pocket where the stem is placed, they'll die

Are you referring to my attempt at cloning?
If so that makes perfect sense! As I just placed it into the jiffy cube so that would be the reason it died.

And thanks for mentioning the setup, really helpful mate, I was planning on running two autos at a time but in bigger pots, now I'll use the smaller ones as you suggest, so the light is OKAY but I'm guessing you would recommend down sizing, maybe an 80x80 tent, or upgrading to a 400w, don't think I'll be running the auto under 12/12 with the the WR, got a feeling yield will be affected with such short hours, really appreciate your input champ thank you @pop22 :toke:
So I'm currently at work (the only time I'm not baked) and it hit me.. I still have my 130w CFL, ANND! I have a 600w HPS I brought a few years ago and never used, what would be more power efficient? Adding the CFL to the 250w or replacing the 250watt with the 600w?
Obviously the 600w would suit my tent much better and more effective but I'm looking at saving power, and the polar bears of course
Well... The 600 watt HPS is actually more efficient than the CFL or the small HPS. You'll use a little more power but your using it more effectively. That's the trend in LED garden lights now, high efficiency, up to 64% currently! The CFL is about 18% and the 250 watt hps is around 27%. The 600 watt is about 34-37% efficient. The combined output of the small HPS and the CFL is about 40-45% of photons. Conservation isn't just using less, its also using energy wisely!
So I'm currently at work (the only time I'm not baked) and it hit me.. I still have my 130w CFL, ANND! I have a 600w HPS I brought a few years ago and never used, what would be more power efficient? Adding the CFL to the 250w or replacing the 250watt with the 600w?
Obviously the 600w would suit my tent much better and more effective but I'm looking at saving power, and the polar bears of course
How many plants you running and are you looking for a better yield?? I personally would go 600w just for general principles but it may not be the most efficient.. probably more bang for your buck though
It's actually the most efficient of the group! I've read the 600 watt model for whatever reason is the most efficient of HPS lamps. So it could be as high as 41% with a Gavita, etc.

How many plants you running and are you looking for a better yield?? I personally would go 600w just for general principles but it may not be the most efficient.. probably more bang for your buck though
Well... The 600 watt HPS is actually more efficient than the CFL or the small HPS. You'll use a little more power but your using it more effectively. That's the trend in LED garden lights now, high efficiency, up to 64% currently! The CFL is about 18% and the 250 watt hps is around 27%. The 600 watt is about 34-37% efficient. The combined output of the small HPS and the CFL is about 40-45% of photons. Conservation isn't just using less, its also using energy wisely!
Man, you know how to say what you're thinking... I on the other hand...Uhmmmm duhh.. what was I saying?
Well... The 600 watt HPS is actually more efficient than the CFL or the small HPS. You'll use a little more power but your using it more effectively. That's the trend in LED garden lights now, high efficiency, up to 64% currently! The CFL is about 18% and the 250 watt hps is around 27%. The 600 watt is about 34-37% efficient. The combined output of the small HPS and the CFL is about 40-45% of photons. Conservation isn't just using less, its also using energy wisely!

I'm picking up what your putting down :hump:
Just asked Head Quarters what our last bill was, she said $550 (arrived last week) so since my bill has rolled over it's perfect timing to see how much of an increase in usage the 600w does, so yes y'all convinced me to change over to the 600, temps have been modest lately @28-29 degrees lights on and 20-23 lights off, guessing the 600w gives off more heat? I'll keep an eye on those temps if so.

How many plants you running and are you looking for a better yield?? I personally would go 600w just for general principles but it may not be the most efficient.. probably more bang for your buck though

Hey @stepside thanks for the advice buddy! Currently running one photo for now, can't say I'm looking for a better yield, this whole setup is a week old, so I don't what I can produce in there, once I chop this girl down, I'm going back to autos, running 2 plants most likely in a scrog :baby: