Day 52 and 23: less nitrogen! no, wait, more nitrogen!
  • Day 52 and 23: less nitrogen! no, wait, more nitrogen!


    It's day 50-ish for most of the tent (52 for the WWbx1s, the others sprouted a few days later). Flowering is carrying on. I switched from veg (Foliage-Pro) to flower (Bloom) nutrients, and a couple of the plant's fan leaves got really yellow practically overnight. I've switched back to mostly veg nutrients and the other plants are greening up again, but the WWbx1s already had some rough looking fan leaves and dropped a couple. Those two have been a lot touchier with nutrients than the others this grow, being the first to show symptoms of excess nitrogren in late veg, then nitrogen deficiency in flower, and wanting a lot more calcium than everything else. I'm not too worried, though -- a couple other people have mentioned it being finicky about nutrients, and the colas look good. I'm giving the same nutrient mix to everything in the tent, so there's usually something that wants more or less of this and that.

    I've been mixing two gallons of nutrient solution at a time, and when one of the gallon jugs is empty I fill that with 1/2 - 3/4 gallon of calmag water, slowly pour that through the pots, and measure the runoff. (And then give it to other potted plants.) It's usually been 400-500ish us/cm over the input, which means some buildup is getting washed out, but it's a far cry from the 1500-2000+ us/cm flushed out last grow when I didn't get around to it. Watering to runoff every 5 or 6 days seems often enough without being a lot of extra hassle.

    I rearranged them so that the tallest plants are in the back -- the Pakistan Ryder and Sweet Trainwreck are a few inches taller than the WWbx1s now -- and the shorter Bobby's Widow is still front-right.


    WWbx1#1. Some of the fan leaves that got spotty like calcium deficiency are looking worse for wear now. I switched to adding a little calmag instead of epsom salts (the base nutrients already contain some calcium and magnesium), but the older growth isn't going to recover. (The bottle in the tray is there to help keep the top-heavy plant from tipping.)


    The Pakistan Ryder is well into flower now, looking like WWbx1#1 did about two weeks ago. If this one ends up finishing quite a bit after the others I can move it to the other tent with the APBE, I guess. Some of the top fan leaves are looking a bit stressed because it kept stretching and was briefly too close to the lights.


    Bobby's Widow #4, shorter than the others and quietly doing its thing.


    WWbx1#2 is filling out like #1. It too has some yellowing/spotted fan leaves, though not quite as bad as #1. It has floppy OG branches, and after taking that picture I added wires so the side branches are held up better, supported by the stronger branches.


    One of WWbx1#2's tops.


    The Sweet Trainwreck is filling out too, looking like it will have some long colas.


    Sweet Trainwreck top, with flash highlighting the growth all the way down.


    Meanwhile, the Auto Purple Bastard Eater is on day 23 from sprout. I'm planning on topping it in the next few days, once there's a clear shot at cutting above the fourth node. The nubs on the branches near the stem have turned into independent branches now, and hopefully topping will make them really take off.

    There are a lot of roots underneath the airpot, in the bottom of the bucket. I probably missed my chance to stick the whole airpot in a larger airpot, but I'm fine with just bottom-feeding it. I moved it to a wider bucket instead. (I forgot to add a wick when I set up the airpot, that may have given it a quicker start.)

    I'm about to mix more nutrient water for the APBE, so far it's been getting by on distilled water with about 150 us/cm of pro-tekt and only 250 us/cm of foliage-pro, which is nothing. I'm going to increase the f-p, but still staying quite low.
    Day 59: approaching the end
  • Day 59: approaching the end


    The full tent. Pretty crowded, a few lower branches aren't getting much light depending on how the plants are rotated.


    The Pakistan Ryder will probably spend an extra week or two in the other tent when I harvest the rest. The buds are starting to swell, but it's got a ways to go.


    WWbx1#1 (with flash). It's really top heavy now and hard to take pictures of when the coco is dry. (As I took these pictures I watered each individually to runoff.)


    One of WWbx1#1's tops, with flash.


    Bobby's Widow (#4), looks like it's finishing up but I'll give it extra time so the seeds can mature.


    One of BW4's tops.


    WWbx1#2 (with flash). This one has weaker stems than #1, and one of the pollinated side branches almost broke off under its own weight. I just added extra support to it. Most of the side branches have a tie anchoring them to the two main stems (it split where I topped it) for extra support, otherwise the branches would be splayed out wider.


    One of WWbx1#2's tops, with flash.


    Sweet Trainwreck. This one is in the corner and the bottom half of the plant isn't getting much light. It was also a bit dried out when I took this picture, but they will perk up again soon.


    One of ST's tops, with flash. This one will probably be harvested later, with the Pakistan Ryder. It's moving along quicker but had a late start.
    Day 30: The APBE is getting branchy; started JEMs
  • Day 30: The APBE is getting branchy; started JEMs


    Meanwhile, in my other tent, the Auto Purple Bastard Eater had a rough week but has mostly recovered. About five days ago I topped it, mixed new nutrients at a slightly higher EC, and moved it to a larger bucket for bottom-feeding. Overnight it started looking sad and deflated. I wondered if it was the topping or the new nutrient mix (600 us/cm rather than 400, which is still super low), but I realized it was probably the bucket: it wasn't getting much airflow, so the airpot wasn't drying out, the roots weren't drinking as much water, etc. I moved it to a wide shallow "shoebox" storage bin and it looked better by the following morning.


    I tried to top it (above the fourth node), but the ABC branches start out really tightly clustered together and I may have FIM'd it instead. It's getting a lot of side branch growth now, in any case.


    It hasn't shown sex yet, but the branching structure has started becoming increasingly asymmetrical. Usually that's a sign taht the plant is transitioning into flowering, but I've never grown an ABC plant before and some of those details may be different?


    I started a couple more JEMs, because they're likely to finish around the same time as the APBE and there should be space. (I also started a couple more chili peppers.) Last grow I started 4 JEMs and 2 of 4 didn't make it, then both were male. I saved a bunch of pollen, so while that's potentially still viable I started 4 more, using peat pucks this time. 2 sprouted a few days ago and are doing fine. 1 more got turned upside down somehow and was struggling to raise its unshed shell out of the peat, so I carefully dug that out and planted it in coco this morning. Hopefully it doesn't run out of gas before it can shed the shell. No signs of life from the fourth yet.
    Day 66: Most are ready to harvest, but waiting a few more days
  • Day 66: Most are ready to harvest, but waiting a few more days


    The full tent. 3/5 are ready to harvest, but I'm going to wait a few more days so that the Bobby's Widow seeds have 5 weeks to mature from the last pollination date.


    WWbx1#1, ready to harvest. It's been ready for a few days, actually. It has a somewhat low-key lemon/funk smell, like the Walter Whites I grew before.


    Close up of one of the WWbx1#1 tops.


    The Pakistan Ryder has filled out a lot since a week ago, and now it has a wood/incense smell. I'm planning on moving it to the other tent with the APBE when I harvest, it will likely need a few extra weeks.


    Close up of one of the Pakistan Ryder tops.


    Bobby's Widow #4, it's also been ready to harvest for a couple days (as of day 61).


    One of BW4's tops.


    WWbxa#2, also ready to harvest.


    Sweet Trainwreck, very little growth in the bottom half but the top half has filled out a lot. This one isn't quite ready to harvest yet, but it started later than the others, and will probably be ready in a week or so.


    One of ST's tops.
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    Day 37: Meanwhile, the APBE is struggling
  • APBE2.jpg

    The APBE has had a rough week, at times it's seemed under- or over-watered and has generally looked sad. I'm not 100% sure, but it seems like its initial root growth shot straight down to the tray but didn't branch much laterally. The roots spread in the tray, but all branching off one main root, and that whole cluster of roots seemed fragile. Once those started to air-prune / got damaged it couldn't take in much water, I guess? But now when I pick it up I see a bunch of healthy fuzzy white roots growing out of the bottom of the coco in the airpot in several places, so the roots have spread better throughout the whole pot, and hopefully it will recover soon. It's such a different looking plant that I'm not confident in interpreting the other details, though the yellowing cotyledons make me think it's probably ready for slightly more nutrients. Usually when I grow in airpots like this I add a wick, but I forgot it this time. That probably would have helped.


    The JEMs are doing okay, the front two are on day 10 and about to start on their third node, the other is a few days behind.
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    Day 39: APBE recovering, showing sex, and lots of new root growth
  • Day 39: APBE recovering, showing sex, and lots of new root growth


    The APBE seems to be recovering pretty quickly now. The plant still looks a little droopy because the stem and branches near where I topped are leaning, but the lower branches are standing up more and there's new growth all over. It also has some stigmas visible now, showing sex on day 38.

    My ghost pepper seedling behind it is also looking better, though still growing quite slowly. I'm probably going to transplant it to coco eventually, since it will stay indoors until next spring, but this could be a decent low-maintenance life support option for overwintering cuttings. It's in a 1-liter kratky-style jar with a black sock over it. I've topped up the nutrient solution a little but never more than halfway.


    Focused on a couple side branches.


    The slightly green, slightly brown main taproot was the only root growth reaching the water at the bottom, but now there are lots of other roots as well. I think it would have helped a lot to run wicking rope through the middle of the coco mass and out the bottom airpot base disc, but I forgot to add one this time. The wick acts like extra large roots and seems to help the plant transition to bottom-feeding before it has its own roots growing through the small air gap to the water.
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    Day 72: Final pre-harvest pictures
  • Day 72: Final pre-harvest pictures


    Full tent. I am going to harvest everything in the next day or so, except for the Pakistan Ryder (left/back), which needs a few more weeks and will move to my other tent with the APBE and JEMs.


    WWbx1#1 :biggrin:


    Close up of one of WWbx1#1's tops.


    Pakistan Ryder. Definitely needs a few more weeks.


    PR's tops. Lots of frost, but still swelling and maturing.


    Bobby's Widow (#4). Short, but several nice buds on it, and hopefully a bunch of seeds in the flagged branches.


    One of BW4's tops.


    WWbx1#2 :biggrin:


    Close up of one of WWbx1#2's many tops.


    Sweet Trainwreck. Almost all the growth is in the top half because it was between the others and then in the corner.


    One of ST's colas.
    Day 43: APBE is doing much better, JEMs are picking up steam
  • APBE4.jpg

    The Auto Purple Bastard Eater has been doing MUCH better the last couple days. It's drinking a lot more water and even showing signs of wanting more nutrients, I just made a new mix with about half as much as I'd normally give plants at this point. There's lots of branchy leaf growth all over, and it's transitioning into flower and starting to stretch.


    The JEMs are doing all right, particularly since they've been subsiding on the APBE's extremely light nutrient mix. Day 16 from sprout for the front two, the other is 4 days behind. They will probably show sex in a couple days.
    Harvested,. Meanwhile, in the other tent...
  • Day 46 (APBE), Day 19 and 15 (JEMs), Day 73 (Pakistan Ryder)

    The two WWbx1s, Sweet Trainwreck, and Bobby's Widow are chopped and hanging now, but I moved the Pakistan Ryder to my other tent to finish.


    Here's the full tent, for scale. It's a 2x2x4', there's an old HLG 135W QB at the top back, angled forward so that it isn't hitting the Pakistan Ryder straight on and badly burning the tops. The PR is about 26" tall, the Auto Purple Bastard Eater is maybe a foot tall (wider than it is tall), and the JEMs are quite squat so far. There are a few chili pepper seedlings in the back. The JEMs haven't shown sex yet but that will probably happen in the next week.


    Focused on just the APBE. I don't know if I'd top this one next time -- it seems like it's inclined to get branchy no matter what, and because of the ABC leaf structure there's no problem with light getting through to the lower branches.


    Zooming in further, on just one of the APBE branches. It's getting pompoms now. I'm planning on pollinating some branches in a couple days.


    It also has a ton of new root growth at the bottom and is very happily bottom-feeding now. Compare that to this picture from a week ago. I wish I'd included a wick when I set up the pot, it probably would have given the roots a big head start.


    The Pakistan Ryder's top colas facing the light get a bit too much, the rest gets a bit less. I've been turning it a few times a day, but still trying to rearrange the plants in the tent to give the others enough light without it giving it too much. The tent is pretty short so I can't raise the light further away.
    Harvest for Pakistan Ryder, pollination for the APBE
  • Harvest for Pakistan Ryder, pollination for the APBE


    Pakistan Ryder, pre-harvest. There are some white stigmas but most are darkened and the trichomes are mostly cloudy throughout the upper and lower branches.


    PR tops.


    The full tent, now without the Pakistan Ryder. There are three JEMs in the tray on the right, if any prove to be male (and they should show sex any day now) they'll move to a pollen isolation chamber. There are also a couple chili pepper seedlings in the back.


    The Auto Purple Bastard Eater, now with lots of pompoms. There's lots of good spots for localized pollination since the plant is so branchy. I applied Anvil, Wizard's Apprentice, Wizard's Apprentice x Blue Microverse, and Bobby's Widow pollen, and I used more pollen/flour mix than normal because some of the pollen is pretty old. I'll have a better idea which cross(es) to work further after I've actually tried the flower.


    From above. It's wider than it is tall: about 12" to the top of the air-pot to the highest leaf tip, but 18" across.


    A single branch, with a close-up showing the leaf shape.