Gnome Automatics White JEM/Black Dragon

These pics make me drool man they really do, and i really love that one that you seeded, that cone shaped main bud is sexy as fuck man. You did a killer job on those my man, you really did. id love to see some of those in natural light. They look like they are going to be some serious yeilders and thats what we all want at the end of the day. job well dont on them so impressed with what you did there mate.
Ok I gotta rookie confession to make. When I collected the pollen I was a little slack. Ok ok a lot slack. Apparently my extraction fans pulled a cloud through the tent. The big girl and at least one more were seeded by the choice male. The one I intended to seed with the tall lanky male seems to have been a success as well. So.... I guess I'm going to have some choice seed stock.
Yeah there is a leaf trait just like a cloven hoof i see it every now and then on some of the whiter jems in the line. Its a beautiful trait and would LOVE to isolate it but it flees me all the time. It kinda says hey remember me every now and then. Who knows maybe ill get to see her again sometime soon.
Just rep slapped you did it show up?
So here is the official One Week from above the soil update. Things are going great so far.

They got a feeding last night for the first time and it goes a little something like this.

2 gal of water as base and the following mixed into the 2 gal:

1 teaspoon cal/mag
1.2 m/l Mammoth P
1/2 teaspoon Grow Big
10 drops of GH root enhancer


Roxi and her fat leaves, i really hope that is a female....

Few of the Bubba Kush @Dinafem-Mark

Ok I gotta rookie confession to make. When I collected the pollen I was a little slack. Ok ok a lot slack. Apparently my extraction fans pulled a cloud through the tent. The big girl and at least one more were seeded by the choice male. The one I intended to seed with the tall lanky male seems to have been a success as well. So.... I guess I'm going to have some choice seed stock.
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Eh it happens to the best of us man, trust me i have done it a time or two with the isolation breeding, thought that i have everything down and then poof a little cloud of pollen and a well shit LOL. It happens to the best of us and the thing is the best crosses come out of that some times. sometimes things are just ment to be really and see the big girl was a stunner to begin with and now she has choice spunk on her.
So for the rest of the information about what is happening next week.

I have started inoculating with Mammoth P as per the feed schedule on the bottle. They suggest starting it at week one @.6 ml/gal and i have fed with it already to make sure that i run it through their full recommendation to see if this stuff really does what it says it does. Its meant to enhance the microbes in the soil along with releasing the P element.

I also have a few enhancers from GH that were given to me as samples at a local hydro store for the roots as well as flower sets so i will give those a shot as well this round to make sure the girls have everything that they need and maybe a little more. They will stay on the FF trio as the main staple of the feed line because i just have great results with the stuff and have for years. Its hard to change when you use something for so long that just works. The only thing that i may do different this time is flush more often to try to get the plant to use all its fans rather than stay green so late into flower.
I'm new to all this and made choices of everything from reading I also went with fox farm trio makes me feel good to see a great grow with the nutes I decided on.
Let's me know the mistakes are mine it's not the quality product. And your grow let's me know Ive made 1 good choice. Does not seem many folks on here use the trio I got it thinking it would cover autos and photos I've fallen in love with the thought of autos but after all the stuff I've bought got to run photos at least once.Sorry for rambling I will be watching you got a new fan thanks for taking time to teach us all I can see keeping a online journal is a lot of work!