Sorry dude I haven't got a flippin clue! Literally not a clue.

I believe moon rocks, which are what you are calling caviar there I believe, can be around 50% THC. BUT, I reckon that is probably a guesstimate.

I salute your work Sir, but I also see a potential long road of ever increasing tolerance?
Yes, the caviar is moonrocks.. On the oil is where i was looking for a potency estimate , i do have to start slowing down to a stop, as far as my personal use( for a job hunt)within the next few weeks, this is a going away party of sorts, im not leaving but i meant since i have to quit smoking.. So i will be able to get my tolerance back in check,, these last four months at home and my jars are looking sparse!!!!!! Ouch
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Sorry I don't mean that in a negative way / didn't mean to put you down. Just a thought that maybe when you're my age you're gonna be doing 5g dabs! lol
If 71 is your b-day i have u beat( spoiler alert)... Not me bro, i dont feel the need to "champ it" any more, i jus wanna relax and chill.....
super nice work as allways :thumbsup:
the kief wash is a bit of a strange one:shrug:
I have done DIH as an eth extract, and with the oils still being intact, the return is quite healthy, i am near the last of my 73 mic good stuff, so i will have to shake some more real soon.... Its just a way ti save money on eth, once its premium kief, it can be Rosin squashed also.....the second run stuff i used was spent/finished/history.. i will still shake the last 9 jars thru a 150 screen, then trash whats left....
Last update of the day.. Cause i prolly wont be awake in an hour, bwahah, kidding.... Last pan and it clouds over, i will continue the sun purge tomorrow
its starting to lay flat but need more heat to spread it into a thinner layer
@Bekay had mentioned a "saturation point" of the Ethanol, and in the past i have used the eth to wash the flowers three separate times, i feel the eth did not fully reach saturation but i have since settled on using the eth for two washes, but still only washing the bud one time
Hi Bro, I had a chance to talk to several experts at the canna trade show near me but could not get anything near a confident answer on ethanol saturation with cannabinoids. Consensus takeaway was that using the solvent three times on fresh bud/trim would be "fine," whatever that means. No hard numbers or advice found. So, I still split my weed into three jars and quickwash one after the other with the same eth after a quick straining in a steel mesh strainer. I will often pause to re-chill everything if the IR thermometer shows the temp has risen more than a 10 degrees. Cold jars, material and speed are your friends.
Good job @budelee you've brought this thread a long way and carried many friends to new places.
Hi Bro, I had a chance to talk to several experts at the canna trade show near me but could not get anything near a confident answer on ethanol saturation with cannabinoids. Consensus takeaway was that using the solvent three times on fresh bud/trim would be "fine," whatever that means. No hard numbers or advice found. So, I still split my weed into three jars and quickwash one after the other with the same eth after a quick straining in a steel mesh strainer. I will often pause to re-chill everything if the IR thermometer shows the temp has risen more than a 10 degrees. Cold jars, material and speed are your friends.
Good job @budelee you've brought this thread a long way and carried many friends to new places.
Thank You Bekay, you have been a part of this thread for a long while, your contributions along with everyone elses is what make us great,we do what we do for the community because we enjoy it and have fun doing it, if i could only get a real job doing this!?!?!?
Budelee's Custom Canna shop! I see the marquee now. A giant oil can, fire, i better go copyright that kwik
We do need to put our heads together again, it was a shame when our canna ice cream idea couldnt get funded.. Dang them dairy farmers....