Okay, we are stating to get some data in
this is the kief to oil results.. 9.55 in .31 out ( the parch was .16.... A horrible return but i didnt expect anything huge, this was a second wash and using fresh eth is just not a viable option on this stuff
This is the start of some Cannabis Caviar... jack The Ripper Sati Dom Buds.. ( soon some live eth), and a coating of some 73 mic dih, The Blue Dream is another sati dom,i have ran this product thru the eth wash, and it does have a good return, but remember, this is a first wash product.. More soon
haha quality man! cant believe i missed this. im gonna smash the lot later on. just popped on for a quick scope before the bairns bed time routine but i'll be back. not Arnie style but i will be back lol. only got the last couple pages so far bit this looks awesome mate. ive never actually paid attention to how you guys make any of this stuff so looking forward to some learning time. ive made bubble hash twice but thats it. thanks for taking the time to do this aswell. theres gonna be some fucked up afn'ers tonight!!!
i havent been able to keep up with the staff room lately so had no idea but cant wait to get stuck into this in an hour or so. top banana mate. top banana. :thumbsup:
Okay a little time has slipped by and i have been doing three things at once...
the single wash eth had the water added,, it finished purging and i have it in a silicon dish
the second pan( a little greener) is now on the double boiler,this was used twice and should have a better return. I did not weigh any of the live stuff, but i have some left that will be fully documented
heres a pic of the leftover bud, stull has stuff on it, but a second wash is not always the answer,it might be just as easy to single wash more aggressively or longer, to get as much as possible off the first time, just throwing ideas out there, whats important is that you figure out the best and safest method for how you want it to be
leftover bud( will go in trash, not gonna keep saving this stuff).... The slow washed live eth, it started with a green tint, but the sun always turns it a reddish color,, the first batch of live single wash is under the dome getting heated up for caviar time
ooohhh this stuff looks nasty delicious.. Nom nom nom.....
On to the Caviar @Son of Hobbes !!!! In Colorado the dispensaries charge premium prices for Caviar.. My Friends, all it is is bud dipped in oil,rolled in Kief.. I chose mybest buds,make my best Live Eth, and used premium 73 mic DIH( short shaken for best quality)..... I see no sense in using
sub-par materials and expecting premium prices( just a story i heard about the local shops)...

Gwot dang look at how clear that stuff is... Dayyymmmm
dipped ,rolled, and ready to cure or smoke..... Hope you all ready for this,$65per gram( unless you find it on sale)
:worship:here everybody,hit this:smokeout::pass::drunks::stir: making the earllllllll....:weed::tongue::meds:less to have to smoke!!!:help:but be careful cause it might put you under :bump:
damn damn damn oh boy that looks good :drool::drool::drool:


Good thing u made the caviar with sativa dom strains .... gonna be some fun smoke ... i can only imagine a tripple indica caviar :vibe:
Okay everybody, we arenear the end as the last pan is now scraped and sittin in the sun
This is the batch that used twice.
time for the sun to finish her off.....
Thank You for following along,this is my favorite part of growing..I am working my way back up to doing full rip dabs, but i can always decarb this and have an edible.............. One last note: I started the extraction at 8am , it is 3pm, but just so you know, i can do a single batch from start to finish in about two hours when im not documenting, smoking, bs'ing which is pretty quick, the more you do this( or any method) you will get quicker and the product will get better... Time to git hi!!!
Hey @hippy71 or @Tbag is it possible to still estimate the potency from this point.. Would i need a potentcy number ( say 15%) and a weight??? When i use the oil alone as an edible,it is in this form( but decarbed).. I have had as little as one gram put me down for hours, dont even ask about the 2.5 gram hit that i thought was gonna kill me from laughing, then i slep for 20 hours...... Ouch Chawly, dat really hert?!???:baghead: