Key to the oven is wide surface area. More area for tane to escape. I Purge my eth in the oven too. Helps get the water out as well.

Safety Note. I do not put anything more than 2-3 tbl spoons of liquid eth in oven. I hot bath it down til it's oven safe.
Hmmmm, with the oven method can you get the eth to "ear wax" up like your bho?
Hmmmm, with the oven method can you get the eth to "ear wax" up like your bho?
You can. But requires lots of whipping after the Purge. And needs to be warm. Lots of whipping. And more whipping.

I have found for that consistency. Patience is better. 90% Purge. To the point you have a really really sticky but workable runny consistency that does not shatter. Whip that every few hours. As it dries the air will get locked and help make it more clay like.
Here is a pic I found of my last eth. 90% Purge whipped to death. That dries after a few days real proper.
Still working on the eth extractions. A few more tests to try on the wax. I'm not a fan of shatter I hate losing chunks due to them flying across room breaking off a dab lol
I think that if this was washed about 10 sec less and strained 30 seconds less. I think would have been no green extracted.

Lesson learned here is 90 micron is shiet to strain.
Need wire strainer first. Then a micron or coffee filter. Getting material out really fast is most crucial part of process. Well totally frozen material is probably just as important.

"Closet extract artists"
I hate losing chunks due to them flying across room breaking off a dab lol
i hear ya there!!!!! youd sheet if i sent a pic of my garage floor( where i dab) it is speckled with shatter that got away from me, noooo 5 second rule with wax, let it go...
I think that if this was washed about 10 sec less and strained 30 seconds less. I think would have been no green extracted.

Lesson learned here is 90 micron is shiet to strain.
Need wire strainer first. Then a micron or coffee filter. Getting material out really fast is most crucial part of process. Well totally frozen material is probably just as important.

"Closet extract artists"
Yes tightest filter possible and quickest wash... @jingo and i think @Dr. Babnik use a Buchner funnel to speed up the process, jingo added the info/process of winterizing and using the funnel to filter it quickly,Thank You for sharing knowledge..which will take the filtering a few steps further than my process
I like extracts, but I can't comsume them. Smoking on water doesn't work for me. That's why I started making hash instead. I first make real hash from dry sift, then ice water extraction.

Can eth extracts be smoked in joints?
I like extracts, but I can't comsume them. Smoking on water doesn't work for me. That's why I started making hash instead. I first make real hash from dry sift, then ice water extraction.

Can eth extracts be smoked in joints?
A small amount on or in will work. But a Jay packed with oil. Bad business lol
A small amount on or in will work. But a Jay packed with oil. Bad business lol
Yes it is bad business...
I have this beautiful oil rig, but I can't handle the cough. I have tried to learn to smoke on water the last 25 years w/o success.