Dinafem When to harvest the CBD strains?

Eating it is so different than smoking or vaping. I have had excellent pain relief with ~25mg CBD based on the chocolate I had tested (results up in thread.)

Yup, that is exactly what I mean.

The big commercial closed loop oil companies say ingesting 60mg is the start of medicinal levels... but I think its half that as I get the same results as you at lower levels.

Everyone is different , and everyone's optimum dosage is different.

But I think they say 60mg just to try to up sales
Yup, that is exactly what I mean.

The big commercial closed loop oil companies say ingesting 60mg is the start of medicinal levels... but I think its half that as I get the same results as you at lower levels.

Everyone is different , and everyone's optimum dosage is different.

But I think they say 60mg just to try to up sales
in a consumerist economy over consumption is the goal
I'm finding similar results with my heath issues. Over the past few months I lost a lot of weight so a Drs visit was in order. After numerous blood tests and cameras shoved where it's usually 1 way traffic I've been diagnosed with Cronhs disease.

I've noticed if I dab high THC strains this really messes with my digestive system but pure CBD helps.

Thanks fully I have a decent supply of CBD isolate and have started to make my own cannabis capsules some with cannabis flowers others isolate .

It's going to take some trial and error to figures this out. I love my THC but if I need to cut that out for my health I will.

All the best

So sorry to hear your news. All the best.
So sorry to hear your news. All the best.

Oh, thank you that means a lot :pass:

Some very interesting chat going on in this thread :thumbsup:

As I'm making my own capsules at the moment it's super cool to see others playing around, testing there meds and experimenting with dosing :bong:

This is the only way to do this as a community :bong:

As I've been quite low this last few weeks. I've been playing around with Rosin and capsules.

Trying various decarb times

25 mins
30 mins
40 mins
45 mins

And varying grams of rosin .


We did 2 main batches.

The first we used just 5g of Rosin to 50ml of coconut oil. Each cap should have 0.1g of Rosin(roughly 60-70mg) :pass:


The 2nd batch we upped the Rosin to

15g to 50ml of coconut oil. Each capsule should have 0.3g of Rosin (roughly 180-210mg) :bong:


Very cool to make your own meds. Now I need to figure out the mg ratio and invest in a capsule machine :bong:

This is fun :thumbsup:

All the best


Mg quoted is estimated and only for the THC % :thumbsup:
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Oh, thank you that means a lot :pass:

Some very interesting chat going on in this thread :thumbsup:

As I'm making my own capsules at the moment it's super cool to see others playing around, testing there meds and experimenting with dosing :bong:

This is the only way to do this as a community :bong:

As I've been quite low this last few weeks. I've been playing around with Rosin and capsules.

Trying various decarb times

25 mins
30 mins
40 mins
45 mins

And varying grams of rosin .

View attachment 981415

We did 2 main batches.

The first we used just 5g of Rosin to 50ml of coconut oil. Each cap should have 0.1g of Rosin :pass:

View attachment 981417

The 2nd batch we upped the Rosin to

15g to 50ml of coconut oil. Each capsule should have 0.3g of Rosin :bong:

View attachment 981416

Very cool to make your own meds. Now I need to figure out the mg ratio and invest in a capsule machine :bong:

This is fun :thumbsup:

All the best


For straight CBD your decarb times are way too low... I do plant material though so no clue on rosin... what temp are you running to decarb CBD ?

I supply caps to several with Crohn's , they work well.
Wow those are some big doses. assume 600mg actives per gram of rosin (this is low as the average is 700mg) 600mg x 0.1 = 60mg per capsule, 600mg x 0.3 = 180mg. I am getting good pain relief at ~25mg.
For straight CBD your decarb times are way too low... I do plant material though so no clue on rosin... what temp are you running to decarb CBD ?

I supply caps to several with Crohn's , they work well.
I decarb CBD on the same schedule and temperature as THC 252°F for 27 minutes and this is the results:


As you can see there is about 15% CBDa left so a little longer would convert it all but I like having some CBDa as it has its own therapeutic value
For straight CBD your decarb times are way too low... I do plant material though so no clue on rosin... what temp are you running to decarb CBD ?

I supply caps to several with Crohn's , they work well.

As I'm working with CBD isolate for my capsules I was under the impression that no decarb was needed?

If I'm working with pure CBD and not CBDa, what are the benefits of a decarb my friend ?

If I'm using flower then, yes. The THCa and CBDa needs to be converted to just THC and CBD? This is why we decarb or am I wrong?

Normally with flower I do

45 minutes at 250o(f)

With Rosin

Same temp 250o(f) and have been advised to do 25-30 mins to activate the compounds .

Am I doing it wrong by not decarbing my pure CBD isolate?

Pure CBD capsules

CBD isolate


All the best

Wow those are some big doses. assume 600mg actives per gram of rosin (this is low as the average is 700mg) 600mg x 0.1 = 60mg per capsule, 600mg x 0.3 = 180mg. I am getting good pain relief at ~25mg.

Thanks for that buddy :pass:

I'll test them this evening. Try the 0.1 first lol

All the best

As I'm working with CBD isolate for my capsules I was under the impression that no decarb was needed?

If I'm working with pure CBD and not CBDa, what are the benefits of a decarb my friend ?

If I'm using flower then, yes. The THCa and CBDa needs to be converted to just THC and CBD? This is why we decarb or am I wrong?

Normally with flower I do

45 minutes at 250o(f)

With Rosin

Same temp 250o(f) and have been advised to do 25-30 mins to activate the compounds .

Am I doing it wrong by not decarbing my pure CBD isolate?

Pure CBD capsules
View attachment 981475

CBD isolate

View attachment 981476

All the best


Way too low for flower.

I don't work with isolate myself... I use full spectrum only... so I have no clue on those times and temps but my guess would be decarb isn't really needed for isolate

Here is a quick cut and paste of why I use full spectrum (easier than typing it all)


The synergistic relationship between cannabinoids and terpenes has been shown to increase the healing properties of each.

A study published by the Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research, which aimed its focus on the effectiveness of CBD isolate compared to full-plant extract, supported this concept, stating in its summary that "in all of the tests, the isolated CBD was ineffective both before and after a certain dosage, while the effectiveness of the full-spectrum solution continued to increase as higher doses were administered. The results all indicate that CBD is only effective against swelling and pain at a certain dose, and that cannabis solutions containing a full range of cannabinoids will continue to provide corresponding effects as the dosage is increased."

Given the results of this study, it would seem to confirm that full-spectrum extract is preferable over CBD isolate for most CBD users, but CBD isolate is still frequently used and believed by some to be more effective than full-plant extract. This belief is led by the idea that CBD is the only medically sought after cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, aside from THC. Many CBD isolate users are under the impression that by consuming only the CBD cannabinoid and no terpenes or any other "unnecessary" components of the plant, they are getting a more powerful or effective dose of CBD. When vaping a CBD extract, which as stated previously, is considered to be the most efficient and quick-acting method of administering CBD, isolate users may feel that they are taking the most efficient route to CBD consumption. While this method might be efficient, the lack of entourage effect means the benefits are reduced when compared to full-spectrum CBD consumption.


But as with everything... YMMV