Outdoor when planting seeds outdoors....



Are there moisture retention products that prevent drying out of the seeds. Does mulch work well in this function?
:toke:If you can you should start seeds indoors and grow seedlings for two two three weeks and then put outside.You have a much better chance of them surviving than starting outside.If you can't start inside put a good soil mix in a hole,wet the mix and put your seeds in about 1/2 inch deep.cover with some plastic wrap to keep them moist and water when needed.remove wrap when they show there heads and make sure they don't dry out at this young stage.When they get bigger you can but grass clippings or other mulch around them to keep the roots cool and moist.Good luck on your grow and I hope this works for you.
I agree. If you can start them indoors in small pots and move them outdoors when they have 5 or 6 sets of true leaves. You'll greatly improve your chances of them successfully germinating.
It gets real hot around here, and I use mulch on all plants in my garden. I really keeps the soil from drying out too quickly when the temps jump above the mid 90's.
Another reason to start them indoors where you can control the environment better. Once they are outdoors, then mulch them good to help retain the moisture and keep the roots cooler. I'm in the South East and run into mid to high 90s in the summer. Mulch certainly helps.

would you start autos in about a 1 gal pot then about 4 weeks transplant outside?

i was thinking of translating into 10 gallon fabric pots.....or should i transplant directly in the ground with good soil?

i also live in the southeast where it is 90 -100 everyday....should i wait till spring?
I've done fall crops that turned out very well. Planted at the end of July or early August and harvested in late October. By the time they hit full flower the temps have usually cooled down.

One gallon is a bit big. Something about 1/3 to 1/2 gallon size is big enough. I use cut off 1/2 gallon juice containers, then transplant after they sex, between weeks 3-4.


would you start autos in about a 1 gal pot then about 4 weeks transplant outside?

i was thinking of translating into 10 gallon fabric pots.....or should i transplant directly in the ground with good soil?

i also live in the southeast where it is 90 -100 everyday....should i wait till spring?
thanks...i think i will put some in the ground and others in smart pots and see what happens.
I live in the south 100+ past 2 weeks and start all my seeds outside in a potting soil recipe that i blend.. in the pots that they will finish in..1 inch deep..it better for me like that no transfering plants to other pots then move them outside after you get them used to the sun...thats what works for me...but usally they break ground 2-3 days..heres some pics, taller ones 2 wks old the seedlings 4days old..they start slower in leaf growth outside because they focus on root development the tap root usally is at the bottom of 3gal pots in 4-5 days the 2nd week the foliar growth explodes..
also the soil i use is 1.5cu.ft MG Organic potting soil and 1.5cu.ft Happy Frog potting soil...mix.. then 5 gallon bucket of coco coir and 2 gallon of med. grade perlite...dont feed for 2 weeks..after 2 weeks feed..I use FF trio...thats up to you on what to use. but remember the soil has what the plant needs for 2 weeks aleast...So put soil in pot and water like your flushing the plant so the water can soak everything and settle, then i put a bean in 1inch(important when hot) ..then water lighty where bean is..place in shade where you'll get no more than 3 hrs of full sunlight...water again the next evening...in 2-3 days sometimes 4 they'll break ground...then off to the bakery..(Full Sun) i do it as soon as they break ground...no waiting a couple days...never lost a plant like this..also this is what i do for feminized seeds...dont think I want to waste time and money on reg. like this..but whatever floats your boat on the seeds..but this how i do it down here after trial and error...with all kinds of recipes and doing inside then out...also you dont want to stress auto's with all the moving..put in new pots then move outside to new homes..especially at 4 weeks they should be pre flowering or flowering by then..you'll have to introduce it outside a couple hours each day when flowering... not good...you'll lose 4 days to a week there when full sun is very important at this stage