Grow Mediums Whats wrong with my babies?? Please help!!!

gman ...can you run through the exact process you have gone through since last night to change the res ?.What do you mean by "ran it through a cycle!?

If your hydrotron has not been cleaned 1st it may effect ph but I doubt it would effect ppm .

They are still young & could bounce back easily if any issues are worked out . Your using AN PH Perfect range ?. 3 part ?. I think you need to add the bloom part to the res 1st (damn Kush would know for sure !). Im not possitive though , the part with cal must go in 1st mate .

AN just want to use as much of therE expensive product as poss & dont give a shit about your plant !!.

I drained the res and washed it out then refilled it with 20 gallons of RO water. it has been flooded/fed with ONLY RO water since about 7pm last night. i tested the water in the res after 15 mins of flooding the table and the ph was back down to 4.4 with a ppm of 220. I cleaned and rinsed all my hydroton before putting it in the table a cpl wks ago. I am using AN ph perfect 2 part nutrients. the sensi grow has calcium n magnesium in it I do believe. light leakage is not a problem tho. thanks for all the help and support. hopefully with all of it I can turn this around and still salvage something haha
well im not sure whats up with the ppm gman ?.to go from 13 to 220 ppm with no nutes is strange .maybe left over from the last res is all i can think ?. Keep us posted mate :smokebuds:
ppm is currently at 300 but ph is 3.98. should I add ph up or take a gallon out of the res and add 4ml (qtr strength) of my nutes and see if that brings the ph up? I know both ideas are gonna bring the ppm up substantially but any help is needed as well as appreciated. thanks!
I meant add 4ml to the gallon I took out of the res if that's confusing. the nutes call for 4ml/L so 4ml/Gal is equal to qtr strength. if that brings my ph up then I would just multiply the 4ml by however many gallons my res is
I would add 1/4 strength nutes & see where that takes it .. then adjust with ph up if needed .My friend KO uses RO & ph prefect nutes in DWC & complains about it all the time lol ... says there nothing perfect about it in fact ?. I dont know cos i don't use it ... RO can make things sway in DWC as well i heard (no buffers ).Some people add 50ppm of cal/mg 1st to buffer & then add nutes ?.

Ph is everything in DWC mate .Its got to be in the right range or they wont uptake any feed & things go bad quick ... its going to take a fair bit of solution to get 20gals to where you want it as well .

Another tip is try not to put both ph up & down in the same res ... they dont like to mix ... if you have added some down already ,try to bring it back up or vice versa with something else like silica or root stim ,, baking powder or vinegar ect :thumbs:
I added qtr strength nutes to the res and about 20 ml of ph up. currently I'm at 510 ppm and ph of about 5.7 or 5.8. I have noticed the ph drop after it's been run thru the table tho so I'm assuming there's a buffer somewhere in there? ill have to keep an eye on it and check it twice a day at least.
checked my res this morning before work. ph is at 5.9 and ppm around 500. I'm assuming everything dissolved and made it slightly rise. the plants still don't look any different tho. I know I might be jumping the gun expecting them to perk up in 12hrs but hopefully all my hard work isn't lost. I'm beginning to think watering may be an issue. the lights are on from 6am to 12am with feedings at 8am 12pm 4pm and 8pm. the table is flooded for 15 mins each time. I know it's just kinda do what works best for your plants/guess n check on the watering schedule
but maybe I'm overwatering? ill get some pics up this afternoon but please don't bag on me about them. keep in mind this is my first grow tho so they aren't the prettiest or healthiest looking things haha. until then please let me know what you think. thanks!
no worries gman.. I screwed up more then 10 F1 beans working things out & we all gotta learn somewhere!. No one will diss you set up bro. You get banned for stuff like that round here (check site rules)

Ok so its a flood & drain hydro your running & not DWC !.. Can you give me & anyone else help by doing a detailed post of your whole set up ?. I thought you where running DWC up to now .Lots of pics & details on what system your using & how your using it ? ...nutes I know ,but others will look in & may have better advice on flood & drain ect .. so a list of everything thats easy to read for anyone lkooking in to help out . Saves second guessing mate .

Give them a chance to recover for a few days & see how things go .I'll ask a friend who uses PH prefect & RO to check in if poss :group:
ok so its a 3x3 flood n drain table thats about 6 inches deep. under that i have a 27 gallon tote that i have filled with 20 gallons of RO water (that is my res). there are two air pumps capable of aerating 20-60gal each. i have one 15gph submersible pump in the res with a 1/2 inch line that runs up to the flood valve. my drain valve is 3/4 inch and runs back down under tha table into the res. there are currently 7 plants in the table in 6inch netpots. seeds were soaked for 24hrs then placed in rapid rooter coco plugs. once they popped up they were then transplanted into netpots with hydroton. i initially had 2 dwc buckets going also but figured rather than monitor the ph and ppm of more than one thing id just throw them in the table and save myself some trouble (lol that backfired!) i also have between four and six 5gal dwc buckets id like to use once i get this science down. although i am thinking the buckets may be a bit easier aside from the water temp because there is not at much hydroton as there is water, if that makes any sense? the plants in my table are fed four times throughout the day for 15 mins each. i also have 2-1000w lights with air cooled hoods. only one light is on at the moment tho. ill snap a few pics when i go to let the pup out. fingers crossed til then!