Lighting What's the best lighting cycle for autos - 24/0, 20/4 or 18/6

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What is the best lighting cycle for autos?

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I have to say I'm running 24/7 and I am extremely pleased with results. I am in full bloom on day 29 and sexed a lot of the plants around day 15. I very well might chop 10 days earlier than the norm at this rate but we will see. Next time I might run it 20/4 just to save a bit on electricity but I'll have to see how this pans out and run some numbers first.


Good morning fellow campers, It is great to be home,
24/0 has its benefits time wise and is great for a cash crop but 20/4 makes a big difference in the power bill for those of us just growing a few plants for meds and trying to keep costs down. Sure it effects yield , but not enough to justify the added cost . At least to me,
Salutations Feenix,

...20/4 makes a big difference in the power bill...

A few years ago i was curiuous to read from eventual experimenters relatively to the GLR schedule (12-5½-1-5½). The situation has evolved and my reflexion with it...

This is a Landis + Gyr unit with the ZigBee logo on it, here's one of its most important fonctions exactly:

L & G: Residential Metering (.PDF)

« Time of use and demand billing display options »

So it's not just about the "use" anymore, now the electric utilities also wish to cea$e an opportunity to generate extra wealth (...), thanks to a new parameter: the time of "demand". Ain't that a brilliant idea?!!


Euh... Not the exact choice of word that would sound suitable if standing from our perspective i would say. :nono:


Considering electrical "Data-Logging" meters can certainly monitor a cultivation session bi-dimensionally, e.g. in terms of amplitude but also of a chronologic feature nearly equivalent to a "voice print", for a lack of proper wording. Sorry, euh... Anyway lets simply assume it's effectively the case since after all we're already familiar with the slow timeline of plants, how they look suspended in time and yet they grow and even move. Their signals are imperceptible but quite real nonetheless.

So, what i mean is this: electrical appliances can be expected to display such a bi-dimensional profile that's associated to the power consumption amplitude already measured since the later has to be billed no matter what. Though the implication for having on/off cycles repeating like metronomes should seem evident: the meter will monitor it too so i won't be surprized when the electricity provider(s) finally reveal their next great plan - which may be to charge a deluxe fee to those who dare use precious energy for a garden when there's sunlight outside - m'well, so they would argue i think.

Briefly put it's now clear to me there's no other option as desirable as the 24-0 schedule, because sooner or later the electric company will want its cut and the governement will be too glad to tax such a sur-fee!!

At least i guess. But that's me, could be wrong. :pop:

Still, i'm quite confident i'm not the only guy around who's got genuine concerns over the matter i've just raised. Perhaps now would be a good time to reflect on the ramifications of data-logging in a future yet to be re-defined...


IMO artificial gardens will be targetted as everyone is used to demanding their dime out of our cannabic affairs, possibly even worst in a prohibition context. For example what would happen in terms of security if our lamps turned out to behave as beacons guiding potential thieves in the local neighbourhood??


Suspense. M'well, i believe this has happened already but that's not a mainstream trend as i haven't read about it in the papers - yet. But the fact remains, on a discontinuous schedule any lamp will leak periodic "Radio-Frequency Interference" (RFI).

Hence my conclusion today: the lesser "noise" the better while only an "auto" will manage with 24-0 if i'm not mistaking.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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Well I am no cash cropper but the ability to keep it on 24/7 is why I chose to grow indoors again. I will not have any type pattern in my electrical use 12/12 is a dead give away 18/6 too and they will catch on to autos at 20/4 IMO. Untill they legalize it in my part of the world MY MEDS are grown under 24/7. I have a daughter who needs it a brother in law with severe MS and a dear friend who is paripalegic who needs it so I grow more meds than most but I am not just growing for myself either.
That is kind of you Fn, I can relate. I have a couple of folks like that even on my meager endeavor. I like the way their eyes light up when I show up.

As far as a beacon for thieves, anybody remember Enron. I bet Californians do.
I too am a 24/0 It seems the more they clamp down the hard we have to try and change the world.
Just to clarify I live in the UK.
If they log our usage then supply it to other agencies, I am wondering if that is a breach of our human rights and civil liberties.(UK)

Civil liberties are personal guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot abridge, either by law or by judicial interpretation. Though the scope of the term differs amongst various countries, some examples of civil liberties include the freedom from torture, freedom from forced disappearance, freedom of conscience,freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to security and liberty, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to equal treatment under the law and due process, the right to a fair trial, and the right to life. Other civil liberties include the right to own property, the right to defend oneself, and the right to bodily integrity. Within the distinctions between civil liberties and other types of liberty, distinctions exist between positive liberty/positive rights and negative liberty/negative rights. (UK)

The only time an Electricity company should take issue with your usage is if they think your fiddling the meter and stealing energy.

I have a contract for them to supply me with electricity and in return I pay them for it.

If they share data from my readings with other agencies then that should also constitute a breach of the data protection act.(UK)

In the US they can't as far as I know the use of FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) to gain a warrant to enter a property due to it being an invasion of privacy.
They can how ever use FLIR and determine if there are heat anomalies and if they think you are growing from those images they then need to use another method to gain entry such as knock your door and pretend it is about a missing dog or some such and then say they could smell marijuana. (The point here I'm making is about our rights to privacy).

I think we should also look at fuel cell technology. OK it may make sense soon or in the not so distant future if it is not possible now but we owe to ourselves to start looking at ways we can get our grow on with out being spied on.

It works by using gas to make electricity for the home and in peak time you can sell that electricity back to the grid.

The gas company won't care how much you use and won't have the same type of monitoring (stopping cannabis grows)
plus you might make some money selling your electricity.

Redox Power Plans To Roll Out Dishwasher-Sized Fuel Cells That Cost 90% Less Than Currently Available Fuel Cells

Ceramic fuel cells could be the future of green, at-home power and heat generation


If the big electric companies want to put the squeeze on, it is then up to us to find ways around it and say we don't want your power.
Biomass fuel cells are also in development and could be carbon neutral as long as we plant trees to replace the wood/hemp etc used.

Fuel cell will also make of grid setups more viable with a constant source of power the doesn't rely on there being any sun or wind, although it would make sense to have renewables as well as a biomass fuel cell.

Salutations Feenix,

A few years ago i was curiuous to read from eventual experimenters relatively to the GLR schedule (12-5½-1-5½). The situation has evolved and my reflexion with it...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

Greetings to you too Egzoset.

Ya, those meters have been controversial since they came out. On both the health and privacy issues. When I was ratted out one time they sat outside my house with a laptop getting a profile of my usage and made sure I wasn't diverting power, There was nothing that was unusual so they eventually stopped.
In my area, they give discounts if you accept a device that regulates certain appliances to work hardest during off peak hours. So there is enough of an up side for the courts to rule for them time after time. The meters are right up there with red light cameras for rip offs shoved down our throats.
I too am a 24/0 It seems the more they clamp down the hard we have to try and change the world.
Just to clarify I live in the UK.
If they log our usage then supply it to other agencies, I am wondering if that is a breach of our human rights and civil liberties.(UK)

Civil liberties are personal guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot abridge, either by law or by judicial interpretation. Though the scope of the term differs amongst various countries, some examples of civil liberties include the freedom from torture, freedom from forced disappearance, freedom of conscience,freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to security and liberty, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to equal treatment under the law and due process, the right to a fair trial, and the right to life. Other civil liberties include the right to own property, the right to defend oneself, and the right to bodily integrity. Within the distinctions between civil liberties and other types of liberty, distinctions exist between positive liberty/positive rights and negative liberty/negative rights. (UK)

The only time an Electricity company should take issue with your usage is if they think your fiddling the meter and stealing energy.

I have a contract for them to supply me with electricity and in return I pay them for it.

If they share data from my readings with other agencies then that should also constitute a breach of the data protection act.(UK)

In the US they can't as far as I know the use of FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) to gain a warrant to enter a property due to it being an invasion of privacy.
They can how ever use FLIR and determine if there are heat anomalies and if they think you are growing from those images they then need to use another method to gain entry such as knock your door and pretend it is about a missing dog or some such and then say they could smell marijuana. (The point here I'm making is about our rights to privacy).

I think we should also look at fuel cell technology. OK it may make sense soon or in the not so distant future if it is not possible now but we owe to ourselves to start looking at ways we can get our grow on with out being spied on.

It works by using gas to make electricity for the home and in peak time you can sell that electricity back to the grid.

The gas company won't care how much you use and won't have the same type of monitoring (stopping cannabis grows)
plus you might make some money selling your electricity.

Redox Power Plans To Roll Out Dishwasher-Sized Fuel Cells That Cost 90% Less Than Currently Available Fuel Cells

Ceramic fuel cells could be the future of green, at-home power and heat generation


If the big electric companies want to put the squeeze on, it is then up to us to find ways around it and say we don't want your power.
Biomass fuel cells are also in development and could be carbon neutral as long as we plant trees to replace the wood/hemp etc used.

Fuel cell will also make of grid setups more viable with a constant source of power the doesn't rely on there being any sun or wind, although it would make sense to have renewables as well as a biomass fuel cell.(Quote)

Hey there Arty,

Over here our civil liberties have become secondary to governments grand plan for something yet to be presented for our approval. Under the guise of a crusade, we will be better off when we have freedom from religion.

It's about time we start seeing fuel cells, they have been on the drawing board for quite a while. I was encouraged when
a group bought Q branch from your government and formed Quintiq, they started advertising small units but none made it to the public. The Carlysle group was involved and they turned to armaments before the wars even started. Nothing like having a little inside info to get a jump on the competition.


This is a complement of information many Canadian readers may already happen to have been made aware of:

R. v. Lefrancois, 2014 ONSC 3096 (CanLII) [2014-May-22]

« ...police received information from Horizon Utilities regarding abnormal electricity consumption at 88 Victoria. The information from Horizon was produced at its own initiative. It had not been requested by the police and was not provided pursuant to a warrant or other form of judicial authorization. »

It's there to stay for a long while one shall argue... :coffee2:

...there is enough of an up side for the courts to rule for them time after time.

At least that appears to be the case in the judicial cause mentioned above. Nation-endorsed bigotry is strong and kicking in Harper land...

So, it's up to us to rationalize (for those who can) but it seems to me the anti-cannabic warriors have already won this battle: the gradual agravation will become a deterent simply by virtue of the compounded complexity, making this challenge even more difficult but for a few McGuyvers out there. From now on the classic patterns will sound like a bad idea indeed!


Honestly i wish someday polititians will be forbiden to exploit primitive bigotry to gain sympathy at the expense of easy prays such as those most vulnerable persons who trusted Health Canada only to find out it's an impass, because it's about the money instead of patients anyway. Always been.

But i'm way off-topic now, sorry about that.

Good luck to the brave people, have a nice evening!



FCC ID R7PEG1R1S2 Landis+Gyr Technology, Inc. (Users Manual) for Gridstream RF Enhanced Integrated Focus AX Meter
Manual / Users Manual

« ...includes instantaneous measurements related to line voltage, current and phase angle... »

Full Application Details



« The applicant must certify that neither the applicant nor any party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits, that include FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. ? 862 because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the definition of a "party" for these purposes. »

Google Search: "US federal law" "Section 5301" "Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988" "21 U.S.C. Section 862"

« Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 provides federal and state court judges the discretion to deny federal benefits to individuals convicted of offenses consisting of the distribution or possession of controlled substances. »

Denial of Federal Benefits Program and Clearinghouse

« The Denial of Federal Benefits Program, established under Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-690), provides federal and state courts with the ability to deny all or selected federal benefits to individuals convicted of drug trafficking or drug possession. Codified at Title 21, United States Code, Section 862, the program provides a sentencing option for federal and state courts to deny all or selected benefits available from the Federal Government to persons convicted of drug trafficking or possession.

The Denial of Federal Benefits Program is administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). BJA also operates the Denial of Federal Benefits Program Clearinghouse, which maintains a database of the names of convicted individuals and the benefits they have been denied. »

Euh... Now i'm genuinely puzzled to find this in the User's Manual for some electric data-logging meter! Go figure what the connection could be... Could this clause apply to the customers too??
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I feel that if you have plenty of light, then 24/0 is nothing more than a waste of electricity. However, if your growing with CFLs or Fluorescent lights or even an LEd if a low power ( 300 watt or less ) for the size of your grow area, then 24/0 would likely help make up for the deficit. I'm going to test that theory in my tent by running a single Mars Hydro 300 watt old style on a 32"x32" space. I'll grow some autos I have lots of seed for this. Then I'll grow again using 2 of the same lights run 16/8 ( my normal light schedule ). If nothing else, the results should be interesting!