I bought a few things from them way back.... was always dissapointed in the quality... i mean... you get what you pay for... but IMO... my growroom's safety is number 1!!!!!!!!!! if i have a ballast go bad or a fan short out and burn my place down... I'm lookin at more than just no place to live... I'm lookin at jailtime if they can reconstruct what i had going... and its liekely they can with todays forsenic technologies...
so.... am i gonna spend 100 bucks for cheap light.... and have to rebuild it in 2 years... or am i gonna spend 350 for a good one thatll last me 10..... whenever i can afford the good one... you can bet your ass i will...
my of rant and rave...
EDIT: ME and my other local grower friends blacklisted HTG after they sent us a broken fan back the third time!!!
Ok i want buy from them can you give me a good site. That i can get my gear from and Buddha How many auto can i grow with a hps400. With a few Cfl for side lighting and which strain would work best for that lighting. Trying to make something grow in about a week are to . Give me the best setup for this light air setup and all i am working with about 350 till 400 for a setup and i still got to get seed
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