Old Reviews What ventilation should i get?

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, i can´t find or figure out with a converter what kind of vent-fans i need in my tent.
I am going to get a 400w cooltube tomorrow, and i need new ventilation so that i don´t need to have the window open. It´s really chilly here at home. :)

I have a Secret Jardin DS90 II. It´s a 90x90x180 with a 400w Cooltube.

I am kind of tired, and it´s time for bed soon for me. So if i have forgot to write something, please tell me becouse i really need to know what kind of ventilation i need.

Have a good day everybody. Good night. :) /h.
I have a 5 inch Cooltube. Sorry, i don´t know what 4" or 6" means. Is it inches?

In Sweden we have different measurements here in Sweden so it gets kind of hard for me to understand. Especially with CFM converters and things like that.

That filter looks fine, just not sure on the fan. From the picture it looks like what is called here a "duct booster". Typically they are low CFM.

With people from all over the world here, we all have to convert measurements. Usually the person posting just uses what they are familiar with and the reader does the conversion, so just post in mm if that's what you are comfortable with. I keep liquid and linear measurement converters on my speed dial so if I need to convert a measurement, it's only a click away.
Thanks, muddy, and sorry about that. I was really tired, and my girlfriend was on me with stuff so i was a little stessed. I use to convert before i post in new threads.

I will take a look at a new fan. I also think the problem lays with the ex-fan, but i am a little short on cash right now so i think i´m going to buy a fan that are 360 cubic meter and as i convert it, it is 22 000 000 cubic inches. I don´t know it this is correct. :)

LOL, no need to apologize. Just post in what you are comfortable with. We'll do the conversions.
Did you understand my calculation? I thought it was a really funny calculation. 22 millions or what it was. :)

Either way. I am thinking of just buying a new ex-fan, and keep my filter. I hope my Hps arrives today.

Ps. I am going to take out some Chaze and Jet 47 seeds today, and germinate soon. My Purple Mazar´s and Easy Ryders are getting bigger. All six of them germinated, and thrive right now i plastic-cups.
