what the heck happened

Very cool, thanks for answering.

Off topic: ph down phosphoric acid, ph down ascorbic acid (vit c), or vinegar? All about the same?
I have tried vinegar in the past, and second what @Proph says about it being unstable. I was never able to get a stable pH in my reservoir by using it. I strongly recommend that the OP or others thinking about this buy and use actual pH Down for this purpose. The commercial stuff will usually be a solution of nitric or phosphoric acid, but another effective alternative is to use a solution of sulphuric acid made from battery acid which you can sometimes obtain from the local automotive supply store. I got mine from Canadian Tire here in Canada, but have since just bought a commercial pH down based on nitric acid. If you don't know what you are doing mixing strong acids, do not go with battery acid - this stuff can be dangerous as hell if mishandled.

I am new at this, but nonetheless expect that the OP has issues with pH, overfeeding, or imbalance of nutes in the soil causing lockout. Sorting out whether one of these is the culprit, and if so which one, is what @Proph is trying to help out with.
OK went out and got an Ec meter, ph down from bio grow and magnisium just for good measure.
Going to have dinner and after Im going to work on it
What you'll want to do first is use plain ph'd water to get some run off. Use a drinking cup and slowly pour cup fulls into the center of the pot until you get enough water to collect and check in a separate cup. Don't use the first bit of run off... Fill the 2nd cup half way with run off, then dump it out.. Then fill it half way again with run off and check that. You should also check the ph as well while you're at it.. If the ppms are in the 1000's or close to it.. That means there is an excess of nutrients in the pot that are most likely causing a lock out. If the ppms are in the 500 range or close, then it's most likely not a lock out, and more likely a reaction to the vinegar mixture.
Was thinking and could it be a root rot?
Yes, the symptoms displayed can be from root rot. The easiest way to eliminate that as a possible problem is to smell the bottom of the pot. It might be a little difficult to smell if your fish mix has a strong odor but the bottom of the pot should smell like forest humus a pleasant smell - if it is sour and offensive it could be root rot.

The terms TDS and EC are incorrectly used to describe the same thing but there are differences. You want to buy an EC meter they are designed to measure nutrients in solution. A TDS meter is designed to measure the solids in drinking water.

If you suspect root rot Botnicare HydroGuard will fix it in a couple of days.
Yes, the symptoms displayed can be from root rot. The easiest way to eliminate that as a possible problem is to smell the bottom of the pot. It might be a little difficult to smell if your fish mix has a strong odor but the bottom of the pot should smell like forest humus a pleasant smell - if it is sour and offensive it could be root rot.

The terms TDS and EC are incorrectly used to describe the same thing but there are differences. You want to buy an EC meter they are designed to measure nutrients in solution. A TDS meter is designed to measure the solids in drinking water.

If you suspect root rot Botnicare HydroGuard will fix it in a couple of days.
I guess it's not root rot. Smelled the pot all over and it does not smell like anything.
Although the buds itself it kind of smell like if it was really unripe bananas..
OK second part done, although I don't know what it means.
OK done some Google ING and I guess 2 ec is to high so I should flush it?