Don't take me the wrong way bro! Im as cool as the other side of the pillow, lol. It's just frustrating and I don't mean to express that frustration towards you. You come from the same background as I did. I had to learn from my mistakes on my own... Until my mentor came along and showed me that almost all of the info I had "taught myself" was incorrect, lol. So I totally see how you would think under feeding first.. But once you know what a true hungry leaf looks like, it's clear as day. We all have that urge to want to help each other, that's what makes AFN so awesome! I would never ask you or anyone else to stop.. It's just tough when someone new has issues, and someone new gives them advice or says something like "I've never had that happen personally but this is what I'd do", lol. Yes, those leaves are pale.. But the soil started off with plenty of food, AND nutes are being used. Those two things are the facts we know. So if the plant stopped feeding or can't access the nutrients, our job as growers is to figure out why it's not eating. A ppm meter will give us that info. A ppm meter when used correctly can tell you exactly how much your plant is feeding and how often. It can also tell you when your soil has an excess of nutrients sitting it.. Which will cause ph flux and nutrient build up. So now we try to find the issue.. I bet money that the ppms are out of range and that nutrients are locked out.