Jean-O's Show Grows 2024 What the F#ck Jean!! Where's my Dog dude?? Bob does Jean-O's genetics...In a Solocup

Ok, last time, I promise. Bob got sleepy and that's why I'm posting yesterday's story now :shrug:
Where's My Dog is doing great in her small pot...

...Growing like a MF'er...

Her sister though isn't looking that shabby :face:

Sorry to f#ck your What The F#ck up brother. As promised I'll sow them again in the greenhouse. :pass:


Hey guys,

While tucking the Bourbon Kush under the trellis I created an opening in the middle of the tray so I emigrated the "The Dog" to some sunnier spot under the TS-1000. So if you're wondering "Where" she's gone to... :crying:

Where's My Dog - day 14

I find it difficult to throw the towel in the ring for this one as she's still moving as seen in this timelapse...

...but compared to the others she barely is. Darn those solocups and me in thinking this would be a breeze...New guys, if you read this...First get your grow under control before stepping into this mess. It surely is for advanced growers and I take my hat off to those that make it look so darn easy :toke:
What The F#ck - day 14


I can't wait to see how your outdoor greenhouse grow goes this year. You had some absolutely wonderful plants this past season. Indoors and small containers is a high maintenance endeavour.
Thanks buddy. The greenhouse was killer indeed, but mold was as well :crying:
The Solo's do have a real steep learning curve indeed...
I'm lucky with this Where's My Dog...

I feel sad for this little one... Should probably bite the bullet and send her to the eternal hunting grounds...


Bob :toke:
Hey @Jean-O and AFN Fam. :bighug:

Where's My Dog is going nicely. Haven't topped her yet as she's to cramped up at the moment to benefit from it. But by next week I'm planning on fully harvesting the Amnesia, as what I have smoked now totally knocked me off my feet. By doing that I create some new space in which I can provide even space for everyone.
Where's My Dog - day 16

If she makes it she'll probably be a dwarved... Can't get myself to cull her, sorry Jean :shrug:
What The F#ck - day 16

And another zoomed timelapse from the last 24 hours...


Hey Guys,

So I had to take a day off... I could kick myself against the head for this one... I forgot to water the plants Saturday evening. :wall:
The result Sunday morning... Two of the cups (Fat Pete's and Where's My Dog) dropped to the ground and everyone was mega thirsty!!

About three hours after giving everyone a good drink they where almost right up and recovering. Just amazing how strong this plant really is!
Because this is Where's My Dog this morning at day 19 and if I hadn't told you guys you wouldn't even know :eyebrows:
But in for a penny, in for a pound. :d5:

Please be warned...There will be blood and tears...So view at your own risk :crying:

Sorry Jean! I'm not doing your genetics any justice man!! :bow:


Hey growers

Where's My Dog is growing like hell. The color is fine and she's throwing out leaf after leaf. :thumbsup:
I'm not going to top this one as I feel I've slowed down her growth to much already. Soon she'll be throwing out pistils and want her to be going like a locomotive so she can focus on making them...
Where's My Dog - day 20

Have a looksie at her. She's right in the middle of the tent :d5:

