Indoor What led should I get for autoflower?

Jan 27, 2017
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I'm starting up my medical grow again after a few year's off... I'm going to start with some autoflowers but they are competently new to me and been doing research on them for sure...just don't got a ton of money to spend right offor the bat on lights....I'm doing two 5x5 tents with 6" intake and exhaust with carbon filters hooked to speed controllers and going to be doing soil in 5 gallon pots.. my own nutrients mixture I've used for years but when going with my lights I am switching to LED and those are new to me....I have my 1000w HPS for a back up but trying to switch to LED fully...I found some 1200w COB LED that have 450w actual draw from ebay and was thinking of doing two of these in each tent....thoughts on this? Or is T5 the better route for auto?
Hey Brandon I use a mars 96*3 and a 300w led in a 4x2x5 tent I use them for autos and photos and have had good results. I just use more calmag since I grow in coco with the LEDs. Total cost was under 300 for lights. I was on a hella tight budget.

the only time I will be easy is when I'm killed by death
This is what I was thinking...I'm going worth 2 of them in each 5x5 tent I'm going to start up again


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Get DIY COB LED. Better option than ebay LEDs, for the same money. Also more flexible.
Those look hard to build that's why I was just gonna go with the ones already put together...I don't have time or patients to build my own lights lol
I bought one of those off ebay sold it half way through the first grow. Since then I've had good results with 2 kind L600's.

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This is what I was thinking...I'm going worth 2 of them in each 5x5 tent I'm going to start up again

I'm using the 800watt version of this now, very very red spectrum and my plants are loving it for flower.

I have a buddy that grows photos that swears by these LED's for flower just because of the red spectrum.

These are Day 48 Fantasmo Express and Alien vs Triangle using said eBay LED


Just save and get diy cobs. Those ebay lights are okay but you will better off running a hps than those things be lucky if you hit .5 per watt. CMH IS THE BEST WAY TO GO. The auto cobs from @BigSm0 would be the best bet if you want leds. Those ebay lights are not very good spectrum. A cmh is the only light you can compare to a auto cob or a diy cxb or cxa or citzen.
By all means I would recommend you look into the DIY forum at some of the COB light systems that are being used. Dirt cheap, fiercely powerful, and VERY easy on the electric. I spent less than $100 on upgraded chips and recycled heat sinks and came up with over a lb in a 2x4. And I expect these lights to last through several grows before the need to supplement or replace. Do a search for @2Stoned2Care and look at the results he is having with them.