Mephisto Genetics What is your baseline?

Sep 18, 2019
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So I was looking at some kind of Mephisto website, obviously not the USA store website because it’s down, and I saw a listing of the strains. I think this listing was a little bit old, but it kind of laid out the recommended set up for growing each strain for maximum yieldl. The common tent size was 1.2×1.2 m which, according to my stoner math, is roughly a 4x4 in ‘Murican feets. :thumbsup: The site then went on to say that, for example, with the 24 carat strain, your best yield would come from growing 20 plants in SOG style in roughly 3 gallon pots. Other strains listed set ups of anywhere from that size all the way down to 4 five gallon pots for the same 4x4 setup. When talking about how tall the plants could get, all of the recommendations qualifies this with “Under HPS.“ Herein lies the confusion. A lot of breeders recommendations are based on old technology like HPS lights. Sometimes you see statements like this plant should yield 400 to 500 g “per light“ Precisely what is “a light?“Is it a single ended 1000 W HPS? Double ended 1000w? 600w? Most of the more current recommendations I see for a 4 x 4 tent will tell you to put an HLG 550In a 4 x 4 tent or even a 5 x 5. Those run about 520 W in their competitors can apparently be as low as 480 W. But I also see the new HLG 650 with the Diablo boards being touted as a direct replacement for a double ended 1000 W HPS light and those boards appear to run around 620 to 630 W. Is that designed more for a 5x5? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. A baseline for lighting using modern lights. That way, I figure I can take the recommendation from Mephisto or other breeders, adjust for the light type equivalent, and then just do simple math. If I want to do a 2 x 4, divide the light in half. That would be quite simple with something like an HLG set up. If a four panel 288 llbased light is good for a 4 x 4 than a two panel light will be good for a 2 x 4 in a single panel for a 2 x 2. If a 600-650q is good for 5 x 5, then a 300-320w would work for a 2.5 x 5 and so on But I need to know The original calculations in order to make such conversions and extrapolations. As the French would say, Mercy Bowcups.
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I don’t know all that might about leds n such now a days lol. But I am kinda confused on your question. Are you asking if there is a direct conversion from X(light is HLG 650) to HPS? No I do not believe there is. There are so many variables to growing it is hard to say this light or that light, cause X or Y.

If you are asking something different then maybe rephrase so we can help.
No, I am asking what is the conversion from whatever light they used in their calculations to a modern LED light like an HLG 135, 260, 550 etc. I have seen multiple breeders talk about grams “per light“ I just want to know what The specifications are for these lights they always refer to. There’s never any wattage given or any type given, and it appears that the typical grower circa 2012-2015
was expected to already know what they are talking about. Unfortunately, I do not know what they were talking about so I would like for them to tell me. Contrary to your assertion, I would think that there would be perhaps a simple conversion using such common measurements as the frequency/temperature of the light and the MMOL measurement. What am I missing?
No, I am asking what is the conversion from whatever light they used in their calculations to a modern LED light like an HLG 135, 260, 550 etc. I have seen multiple breeders talk about gyros “per light“ I just want to know what The specifications are for these lights they always refer to. There’s never any wattage given or any type given, and it appears that the typical grower circa 2012-2015
was expected to already know what they are talking about. Unfortunately, I do not know what they were talking about so I would like for them to tell me.
Ok gotcha, yes when they give Those numbers they are based of 1000 watt HPS. It is industry standard. Unless they state otherwise it’s always the 1000 HPS/MH. You may get variances from se to de but that is more about energy efficiency than production per se.
So wherever you are lookin you can substitute whatever 1000w equivalent light you would like. IE the HLG 650 or 4 autocobs or whatever light you want
As a new grower, one of the things that befuddles me is how much contradictory information and perhaps even misinformation There is on the inter-webz. Although, having read stuff about my other hobbies for years on the web, I really shouldn’t be surprised. An example relevant to this Mephisto conversation is the information available about growing auto flowers in an SOG set up. I might ask a question like what are the best strains for growing auto flower plants in SOG set up? And I will typically get at least one or two answers back saying you can’t do that no way, no how. SOG only works with clones of photo plants and they say that with same certainty that they would say the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. Yet, I read Mephisto‘s description of say their 24 karat strain, ans the breeder flat out tells you that this was their first strain and it was specifically bred to be grown in an SOG set up. What is even more amusing yet bewildering is when someone on here is told that and they tell you that they are right and the breeder of the strain is in fact wrong. This is not a big issue for those of you who have already figured all of this stuff out. But it is problematic for new people, especially when were trying to translate old information, contradictory information, and just flat out doggy information into somethingBut we can actually use.
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I have run 4 288's in a 3x3 and never move off 50w's each. Folks have said 30-35w / ft2. I could probably use 2 288's dialed up some and get the good results as well.
I have seen the various set up diagrams For the electric sky ES 180 and ES 300. They said that their “favorite set up“ was a 2 1/2 x 5 tent with a single ES 300. That works out to about 24 W per square foot. They recommend two of those lights for a 5 x 5 in a “normal” setup. For their “super duper holy smokes crazy high yielding“ set up, they recommend three of those lights in a 5 x 5 which would be around 36 W per square foot. I have a Niemi 130w Rspec 288 QB. Unfortunately, those folks are out of business now but it’s pretty much the same set up as The HLG 135. Most people would say that is ideal for a 2 x 2, but I see people selling the 2 x 2.5 gorilla grow tents with one of those or even with the HLG 100. I also see people saying that you only need two autocobs or 112 watt for a 2 x 4 because the autocobs “beam”so powerfully And going up to three of the lights will reduce your plants two piles of smoldering ash and burn down your house to boot. Hence the confusion. :rofl: What I was trying to find out is what the starting point originally was so I can strip away at least one or two levels of that confusion.:biggrin:
Thanks man. In frequently, I do see people referring to the 600 W single ended HPS. I’m guessing that was the beat “home version of the game” Until such time as we were able to buy non-blurple full spectrum LED’s
Ok gotcha, yes when they give Those numbers they are based of 1000 watt HPS. It is industry standard. Unless they state otherwise it’s always the 1000 HPS/MH. You may get variances from se to de but that is more about energy efficiency than production per se.
@jdm61 watts is a measurement of electrical work and has nothing to do with the measurement of the photons that make plants grow. The watts used by different lights will tell you how much electicity you have consumed but it tells you nothing about the PPFD produced by the device that used the power. PAR - photosynthetically available radiation , PPFD measures the amount of PAR that actually arrives at the plant, and DLI -Daily Light Integral, refers to the number of photons, received (ordinary by plants) during one day in the Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) region. Using these scientific measurements you can compare the efficiency of one light to another based on the plant's needs and also the energy used to get you there.

These are not the easiest measurements to make and stoners being stoners have in their stoned minds connected watts to the amount of PAR, PPFD produced by a lamp. It has no direct relationship and it is a fallacy to try to use it as such.