Thanks Grow broSweet set up GrowtoGrow, very effective use of a thong in growing area too! I noticed wolverine hat , I'm on Georgian bay so not far from you mate.
How do you find the Alaska fish fert. and have you tried other products from them?? It sells here at local hardware store and is fairly reasonable, I 've bought the fish fert. and the morebloom to try out.
Your set up looks amazing mate, Can you explain your light deprivation techniques and are you brewing any tea or foiler sprays that can help prevent fungus, insects or build plants resistence to them.

Aaa just over the little pond LoL
Yes Alaskan fish ferts...
I love that stuff... but boy that shitt sure can stink. I leave that jug sit out there all the time and when I open it up on a hot day... Wow it about knocks me over ..seriously that shit stinks bad..But a little bit of that goes a long ways.. But it depends on what stage your plant is at.... in the beginning you can give them a lot and then on towards flowering you can lessen lessen it... but you still want to give some to them cuz they need to have their nitrogen in they're mix.
A healthy plant will defend itself from everything. I don't mix up any Specialties..teas... this way or that way to defend my plants from anything attacking them. I only make sure my plants are as healthy as I can make them.
I use Boogie Brew tea twice a day and 2 or 3 times a month with adding the C90 rare trace minerals I also enhanced it with extra worm castings in the t-mix. Has the Boogie Brew already has precisely measured out ingredients in it.
The Boogie Brew organic tea I use almost every single day when they're growing up and now that they're in flower pretty deeply. I've slowed that down but I still continue to give them the Boogie Brew tea.
The Boogie Brew tea is a fantastic probiotic microbe t-mix. The guy who makes it. Yeah he's an extremist and everything is as pure and unmolested as any ingredients you'll ever find on the planet... The Boogie Brew tea builds little microbe colonies that live on the leaf of the plant and in the soil that can help defend the plant from so many different things fungus is one of them.
Having good or great microbe colonies on your plant and in the root zone is vital to Growing organically.
I just don't use any of these teas that other people makeup with essential oils in them and what have you.. ?? I don't know???
I don't use it.. I don't know nothing about it??? I can't tell you good or bad.. I can just tell you what I do and this is what I do. Everyday every year.
The better and more healthy the compost the better and more healthy your plants going to be. Because it's all about the microbes....seriously.... it is...
I don't give 2 shit what anybody else says ... if you don't have a healthy microbe colonies you aren't going to have a healthy plant..... and the only way I know of getting healthy microbe colonies is to feed them. And what they love is rotting vegetation food poop you name it anything that biodegrades...
I don't necessarily recommend putting meat in your compost...but I've been known to throw some meat out there every once in awhile to. I just don't use a lot of it. Sometimes I'll even throw cooking grease out there such as vegetable oil or even bacon grease... I've done that before can't say I haven't. Hillbilly ways. I guess LOL.+ I'm just a hillbilly living in the city...
But I put bread I guess meet also fruits and vegetables in everything off the table goes out their eggs I go by three or four flats of eggs and put them in a 5 gallon bucket and put my paint blender on my high power drill dump a couple 5 lb bags of dark brown sugar or raw sugar if it's available and blend that up and dump it to the compost pile. Because the microbes love that and they just go to town with it. The bread on top of the compost pile attracts birds birds come and shit on my compost pile while they're eating the bread it's a win-win...I guess... I guess other animals are coming eat stuff too and they shit and piss on the pile it's still a win-win.
I guess there's other things that I do to that never really thought about. But I also use organic products that are off the shelf that are geared towards tomatoes. And I'll make tea with those and I'll throw them in the hole before I put a plant in also. I also do another thing too before I put a plant in the hole is sometimes I'll layer the underneath of the plant with amendments like bone meal blood meal a – Dolomite lime a dash of Epsom salts maybe squirt some tee strong nitrogen tea down there cuz by the time the roots get down to that it's broke down enough that the microbes will love it and they'll start feeding the roots when they get there. And they also use a lot of organic bone meal. I don't think I use any other product more than the organic bone meal in my compost you just can't seem to have enough calcium for these plants. I don't think there's any way you can over kill on calcium. Organic bone meal takes a while to break down unless you make it into a tea.
Man I've said too much...
well brother I hope this helps you and anybody else that reads this.
I'll try to help you with questions and answers is come holler at me whenever.
If you're growing inside and want to about artificial lighting and what this plant really needs... In real-time science...with the latest the very latest known to man about cannabis and hemp with thousands of studies going on presently right now....
Study dr. Bruce Bugbee of Utah State University the CEO of Apogee Industries.. go on YouTube and type in... Far red the Forgotten photon.... And you'll find hours a video and test results that are going on right now presently. As dr. Bruce bugbee and Utah State University is one of the only universities in the United States that is license to study hemp and cannabis. And they're doing thousands of tests right now with hundreds of different scientists that are all collaborating together to know this plant. And he's publishing his results all the time. The man's a freaking genius. And he's revolutionized the way I think about this plant an artificial lighting and what PAR does not mean to this plant anymore... but what full spectrum light dosemean.. Far blue and far-red and everything in between. Green n white....That is why this plant the cannabis plant does so well in the sunlight. Because the sun has full spectrum and doesn't rely on the old thinking of PAR.
Studying and watch and you'll know so much more about what you're growing....