I have been looking at getting myself a time-lapse camera for my next grow.
Found a nice cheap one (with wi-fi and 4k pictures)
That's a good price to be honest, I am currently using my streaming camera and a script i wrote in php plugged into my raspberry pi.
$maindir = "/home/pi/";
$currentdir = $maindir."webcam/".date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d")."/";
$gifs = $maindir."webcam/gifs/";
if (!file_exists($maindir."webcam/")) { mkdir($maindir."webcam/", 0755, true); }
if (!file_exists($currentdir)) { mkdir($currentdir, 0755, true); }
if (!file_exists($maindir."webcam/gifs/")) { mkdir($maindir."webcam/gifs/", 0755, true); }
$ic = iterator_count(new FilesystemIterator($currentdir, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS));
exec("fswebcam -v -d V4L2:/dev/video0 -i 0 -p MJPEG --skip 5 --no-banner -r 960x720 ".$currentdir."image-".date("Hi")."-".$ic.".jpg");
if ($ic == 48) {
exec("convert -background white -size 960x720 -alpha remove -layers OptimizePlus -delay 5 ".$currentdir."*.jpg -loop 0 ".$gifs.date("Y")."-".date("m")."-".date("d").".gif");