Welcome To WonderLand...

There's nothing but your inner self to be afraid of Doc! if your in a good spot in life its a great time to try hallucinogens if your wanting to expand your conscious

Well, after 5 yrs as unemplyed, life is great!

How may it affect depression symptoms?

And what do you mean by expansion of consciounsess?

Would be cool to grow and I could just give it way, if I don't dare to try it on myself. How to obtain spores?
I have one friend who likes something desciped in "Pihkal - A Chemical Love Story" and another who keep DMT in stock.
Do not I mean do not try synthetic canna over in the UK people are dying from that shit I tried it once it was named Pandora box and it fucked me up my partner said I was acting weird
Yes, I also consider it toxic waste. Just researching.
Yeah what they said. My ex tried telling me they sale cbd oil in ut. I told her it was bullshit chemicals. spice anyone. That's tuff was made from isolating cbd 2.....only, then synthesized. Not good.

@Dr. Babnik
Shrooms aren't all about the visuals. I'm they can be. I like where the innermind cosmos adventures. Low doses like 1-1.5 don't tend to get me too messed up. .5grams and you barely feel anything. Treats my depression pretty well. Just food for thought.
Yeah what they said. My ex tried telling me they sale cbd oil in ut. I told her it was bullshit chemicals. spice anyone. That's tuff was made from isolating cbd 2.....only, then synthesized. Not good.

@Dr. Babnik
Shrooms aren't all about the visuals. I'm they can be. I like where the innermind cosmos adventures. Low doses like 1-1.5 don't tend to get me too messed up. .5grams and you barely feel anything. Treats my depression pretty well. Just food for thought.

That was interesting info, Rorark.
There is something wrong with signalling in my brain. I was born with mood problems and need meds, that when mentioned, will make young physicians run away screaming.

I should test this, if I can source the spores, but first study cultivation under Professor @tripaholic88.