New Grower Welcome to billythekid's 150W HPS Grow!!! Auto Critical Mass? Or is it... Tune in for more.

Apart from the power going out, it was down pouring earlier, that plus melting snow... I have found a leak in the basement of course it runs right into my grow area!!! I am pretty frustrated right now might have to relocate. The girls should be okay.

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always something in the grow
to keep you
on your toes
So they just kinda halted @trailanimal ?? Nothing came of them? Do you think it's just genetic or bad breeding?

At this point I am really considering a full 24hr dark period @Dudeski thanks for the suggestion!! As i have been reading into it seems it really works to kick flower into drive, anyone have any experience with a 24hr or longer dark period to induce flowering?
genetic and faulty advertising(not auto), growing greenhouse in the arctic never had the "dark" option
Looking for some quick advice, will a 400w hps or a 600w hps work in my grow area that is 18incheswide 52 length and 48 height??

I have the option of changing the height of grow space... or should I widen it as well?

Any input is greatly appreciated, from what I understand a 400w will have a footprint of 3x3 and the 600w 4x4

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Quick pic update, this week I've slowly been increasing the darkness and the girls seem to be responding well! Haven't reached 12/12 yet that would be tonight!

Gave them half gallon each yesterday at lights on... 20ml to the gallon of bloom/sweet citrus carb.

What do you guys think? Excited for responses!!


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I am using an old shelving unit, I have it enclosed, but not particularly air tight...Once things are getting tight I just jump up one shelf! I can modify the space if need be, but would prefer to keep things as they are. Just want to be efficient as possible any recommendations are welcome! Thanks for responding guys! Much appreciated. @Dudeski @archie gemmill @Yeatster
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