New Grower Welcome to billythekid's 150W HPS Grow!!! Auto Critical Mass? Or is it... Tune in for more.

So they just kinda halted @trailanimal ?? Nothing came of them? Do you think it's just genetic or bad breeding?

At this point I am really considering a full 24hr dark period @Dudeski thanks for the suggestion!! As i have been reading into it seems it really works to kick flower into drive, anyone have any experience with a 24hr or longer dark period to induce flowering?
Got her all mopped up to say the least.. I caught it right in time. All my electrical system are hanging from the roof no need to worry there @Dudeski. The leak was coming from a Crack in the cement block foundation... patched it up seems to be doing job. Hopefully doesn't push the water some where else and maybe even more of a catastrophe... we have a few days of nasty weather coming so time will tell

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