Lighting Welcome GrowNorthern LED Lighting

Hello GN :smokebuds:

Light me up :thumbs:

S'up GN? Welcome into the fold guys.. :group: I foresee many more ms006's leaving your stockroom.... Soon :thumbs:
Very nice! Welcome Grow Northern. So glad to have you a part of this wonderfully evolving site. :D
Hey all, thanks for the warm welcome. We're so happy to be a part of the AFN community. We have some exciting journals and prototype testing coming up this year so stay tuned! A big thanks to Muddy, Red C , Si1984 and Jtang for taking the time to moderate this section and for making this happen as well as everyone who has moved their journals over to this section.
Hey all, thanks for the warm welcome. We're so happy to be a part of the AFN community. We have some exciting journals and prototype testing coming up this year so stay tuned! A big thanks to Muddy, Red C , Si1984 and Jtang for taking the time to moderate this section and for making this happen as well as everyone who has moved their journals over to this section.

We're buzzin to have u guys here and cant wait to see some of your new gear in action.
Absolutely, exciting times to come. Welcome GN. :bong:
Welcome Grownorthern! :smokebuds:
Thank you for the support and for helping me along the way to some killer meds! :clap: :clap: :clap:
hey grow northern! welcome aboard!:D thank you for joining our very happy group! i am the guy who is alway's at the back of the bus!:thumbs: