Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

The incident. I've never spoken of the incident til now, and I'm still not sure if I can get to grips with it. [emoji22]

I mean... how could they? One of the tortoises could have got out, AND they messed up the pond..

The scars are too deep, man. [emoji22][emoji22][emoji51]
Too soon ......sorry .....its stirred up a lot of unwanted 1970s emotions,that and the returned Jim ll fix it letters....that's harsh for a kid to take...maybe I was too old or maybe he just didn't like me.......on a lighter note the missus asked me to groom the dog today ......think I got the wrong end of the stick

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It's all we were allowed down south Wilee.. the queen said so. It's what made me the fine upstanding pillar of the community I am today.

Rule Britannia.. with marmalade and jam.. what what.
[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] fook the Queen bloody German and her Greek hanger on [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Too soon ......sorry .....its stirred up a lot of unwanted 1970s emotions,that and the returned Jim ll fix it letters....that's harsh for a kid to take...maybe I was too old or maybe he just didn't like me.......on a lighter note the missus asked me to groom the dog today ......think I got the wrong end of the stick

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Poor doggy gonna need some therapy for that one [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Aw.. Phil the bubble..

Kinell... is he still alive? Anyone would think he's English, the amount of racism he spouts!
Ye he's just retired bless him thinking up racial slurs on the go gets tiring at his age [emoji86] [emoji87] [emoji85]

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Looks German to me!
Pegigree tubby mc fatfuck thanks ........its a pure scots breed .....55%generic wee broon dug.....35%collie/shepherd,10% walrus......100% fat lazy theiving lovable fckr....hes decrepit with fckd hips just as reliable and smelly as my slippers[emoji111]

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Pegigree tubby mc fatfuck thanks ........its a pure scots breed .....55%generic wee broon dug.....35%collie/shepherd,10% walrus......100% fat lazy theiving lovable fckr....hes decrepit with fckd hips just as reliable and smelly as my slippers[emoji111]

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Haha! I used to have one of those... he was great! I'll find a pic.. hang on..