Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Hope chops isnt in pain and gets more time bud.
Autopots look like great systems not sure how 8.5l pots would do. Probably a lot better than we all think- when plants are getting multiple waterings it doesnt take big pots. I only use 11l pots and most grows turn out decent
Hope chops isnt in pain and gets more time bud.
Autopots look like great systems not sure how 8.5l pots would do. Probably a lot better than we all think- when plants are getting multiple waterings it doesnt take big pots. I only use 11l pots and most grows turn out decent

That's what I thought about pot size Sanger, those ones are way too close together for my liking tho. Fookin cheap tho eh?

Chops seems ok thanks bud. Can't get the fooker off the sofa for a piss this morning but that's not unusual, it's way too early to be getting kicked outside for a piss! We'll just see how he goes.
Yeah.. my body's a temple tho Wilee..
Which one, the Taj Mahal? :crying:

Hope you get some more time with Chops, man, only you can know the right time to let him go.

I have the double autopot, the Easy2Grow one, not set it up yet though LOL. I have somewhere for the res if I use a smaller one. I wonder whether I could retro-fit airdomes without completely ruining my two smallest plants...