Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

Was it anything like "Lock, Stock, and two smoking barrels" or "Snatch"?

No mate, it’s way older than that and there’s zero humour. It’s a rough ride... deffo worth a watch. I’ve seen it maybe 10 times although I don’t think that disc’s ever been played.

The receipt was still in the case from when I bought it in 2004 in a motorway service station. [emoji849] T’was when I first started this job that I do now.. I felt like a rich man so I went around buying everything I saw! [emoji41]

Anyhoo... must go to bed... [emoji1365]
I can't wait - I'll give it a go.


Did not see his name in the credits. Guess Vlad don't rate top billing.

I know it's been said before but I don't think it will take that long. In 30 years he'll be needing nappies not a hearing aid. :crying::crying::crying:


It was a quote from the film ducks.

is it like lock,stock? Yes, without the humour ,with added violence and a simple story line. Borstal is rough.
Sorry mate most people are fat compared to me I'm only a light 13 stone worse thing is i eat what i want when i want it just can't seem to put on any weight [emoji848][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I could probably squash you then LOL!

Big shout to the @Itisi crew... bag o’ weed and a bacon baguette! [emoji1360]
Shame I didn't see yesterday you were meeting up, it's been quiet here today. Ah well, another time maybe!

The curse of the kilner. Smashed right in my face!