Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

I am guessing that most homes in the UK have no AC. Well that would certainly suck!

Damn that is hot. The hottest that I've seen is 126F (about 52C) and thankfully I have only seen it once.

Yeah man... only rich people have air-con in the house. TBH mate it’s a waste of money because the weather’s usually shit! [emoji23]
Yeah I can see where it would be a waste in the UK cept for those hot days when ya can't have the windows open. Then it would be nice to have. AC is a must round here though. Our "summer" can start as early as April and end as late as November. Mid-May through mid-Sept highs are 32-35+ with rh at 60% on a dry day.:nono:
Yeah I can see where it would be a waste in the UK cept for those hot days when ya can't have the windows open. Then it would be nice to have. AC is a must round here though. Our "summer" can start as early as April and end as late as November. Mid-May through mid-Sept highs are 32-35+ with rh at 60% on a dry day.:nono:
Don't worry duck us brits will be back to moaning about the shitty weather soon enough [emoji16]

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No Wilee...

[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Hahaha aye was some sour faced spanish guys walking about that day. I'm glad there's been zero trouble this time though. The atmosphere over here is amazing.

I went halves with a mate for croatia to win the cup. Purely cause the odds were 12/1 so I'll be happy whatever the result of the next game really hahahaha I want England to do it so badly though. Imagine we actually win the cup!! Obviously I wasn't around in 1966 so itd be awesome. What was it like back then dude? [emoji23][emoji23]

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