Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler

And here’s the dungeon today..


Watch yer back Peyote, I’m coming for ya.

They look supper healthy.
The mothers getting a bit whiffy, stretched like fook and is struggling under her own weight already. The previous ones I've grown really live up to the chunk name, big nobbly buds.

Sweet dude. Fingers crossed the weather and the bugs stay good. There’s a suspicious amount of greenfly about in my garden at the mo, might be different up the hill. [emoji848]



^ Glueberry OG x2


^ Blue Dream’atic


^ Gorilla Glue

I’ve had a couple of rusty spots on the GG and the BDM so the day before yesterday I added cal @0.5ml/ L and mag @0.25ml.

A few more zits on the bdm today so they all got 0.75ml of cal and mag. Feed is bumped up to 2ml of a&b today. All looks pretty rosy in there if I do say so myself. [emoji5]

Team pic...




^ Glueberry OG x2


^ Blue Dream’atic


^ Gorilla Glue

I’ve had a couple of rusty spots on the GG and the BDM so the day before yesterday I added cal @0.5ml/ L and mag @0.25ml.

A few more zits on the bdm today so they all got 0.75ml of cal and mag. Feed is bumped up to 2ml of a&b today. All looks pretty rosy in there if I do say so myself. [emoji5]

Team pic...

looking good vladders they look like there going into full on flower mode full strength cal and mag dude at least till the stretch is done
looking good vladders they look like there going into full on flower mode full strength cal and mag dude at least till the stretch is done

Yee cheers bud. I’m just shy of that atm. I didn’t wanna go in too heavy at first. There’s only 10-15L in the res so I’ll check em on Sunday and maybe bump it up again. pH is at 5.9 for now, it’ll probably be 6-6.1 by tomorrow.

I’ve abandoned the idea of training for now, the main stems are staying pretty short so far so I think I’ll just let ‘em do their thang.
Also I can’t be arsed. [emoji6]
Yee cheers bud. I’m just shy of that atm. I didn’t wanna go in too heavy at first. There’s only 10-15L in the res so I’ll check em on Sunday and maybe bump it up again. pH is at 5.9 for now, it’ll probably be 6-6.1 by tomorrow.

I’ve abandoned the idea of training for now, the main stems are staying pretty short so far so I think I’ll just let ‘em do their thang.
Also I can’t be arsed. [emoji6]
you should be good till the next res vlad as you say your nearly at full strength now :thumbsup: