Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler


Mate’s been feeding his 1.5ml/L of a&b cos that’s what I told him to do. It’s working so I’m doing the same! [emoji1360]

He switched to bloom nutes this week with no cal or mag, against my advice, we’ll see what happens.

I’ll grab some pics next time I’m there. [emoji1360]

Mate’s been feeding his 1.5ml/L of a&b cos that’s what I told him to do. It’s working so I’m doing the same! [emoji1360]

He switched to bloom nutes this week with no cal or mag, against my advice, we’ll see what happens.

I’ll grab some pics next time I’m there. [emoji1360]

So you have your very own Guinea pig. must be nice:crying::crying:
So you have your very own Guinea pig. must be nice:crying::crying:
