Indoor Weed Wars EPISODE III "A New Hope" by Vlad the Inhaler


Ok. Mrs V's finished doing her witchcraft and she fook'd off to bed. She's a strange one! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
Soil wash.

I've just run about 70L of warm tap water thru the mud, followed by this,

Just waiting for her to drip dry then it's pHd water this evening. She looks a bit droopy cos she was sleeping, back to bed in a mo!
Hey Vlad after a good flush it's always a good idea to give them a feed of around 1/4 strength nutes as your soil might not have any left [emoji106]

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Hey Vlad after a good flush it's always a good idea to give them a feed of around 1/4 strength nutes as your soil might not have any left [emoji106]

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Yeah. I wanna see what happens first tho bud, and what to add cos she looks stuffed full of N so I don't wanna add any of that just yet. I'll check her later and tomorrow. [emoji1360]
Washing dirt? What's left?

Oh, I get it, wash away the dirt and replace it with the water? Genius. You should call it waterworks, probably sound better in a foreign language.

it is isn't it?
Kin ell

it is isn't it?

They're meaty fekkers. I did what it said on the instructions this time and stood the cake on the heat mat inside the cardboard box it comes in. That didn't work for me, it ended up 40°C in the box when it's not supposed to go over 28°. I reckon I should have more shrooms than this for a first flush but hey-ho, there's still plenty. [emoji265][emoji1360]