New Grower Wedding glue, DIY light & box, arduino controlled, DWC, Canna aqua

I like Bugsbee and his work, book I posted few days ago is his work as well. Really looking forward to ad co2 and push my ligt up to 1500! I will deffinitely share it here. I know that there is no space for errors, but this is hobby for me, I dont smoke either. So I know It can have bad end but dont mind. Edison destroyed 60 000 bulbs before he found right one:smoking:. I will try lumatek/photontek zeus 2,9. Like its tests on youtube.

I didnt know that at day 10, it was light avoidance, thx. I just supported her but didnt change the light- I am hard guy:shooty:
I seriously doubt a Hindenburg type event could ever occur!
Dihydrogen being released into the atmosphere around your tank is in such small amount that there is no actual danger of an explosive/combustion event.
Re. training - you've got a compact plant and your blue light will help keep the plant short. Unless you train the plant, however, you're going to have one large cola growing on the "apical stem". That gives a cannabis plant a "Christmas tree" shape and can make it hard to light the plant properly.

One way to avoid that is to top your plants but some growers prefer low stress training ("binding"?) so they bend the apical stem over. In either case, the secondary branches will grow larger. If you'd like to top your plant, today (day 21) is a good day to do so. I prefer to top my plants, which is "high stress training", rather than doing low stress training.

This is the most funny part of my growing, my plants behave in different way. Including photos of my last succesful grow few years ago DP think different - no training at all just the same blue light. Maybe because not enough of space, maybe because lot ot light at top cola makes photoinhibition od growth. Do you have any different ideas why this happens? I had some ph issues as you can see on leaves.
And at least

please post here your grow journals, I must see them!

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I seriously doubt a Hindenburg type event could ever occur!
Dihydrogen being released into the atmosphere around your tank is in such small amount that there is no actual danger of an explosive/combustion event.
I hope so, but still find much easier to use micro bubble nozzle….
I hope so, but still find much easier to use micro bubble nozzle….
If I used one of those O2 Grow electrolysis gizmos I would still have that nagging Hindenburg thing in the back of the mind, even though I know better! LOL
Hi, today 2 updates

1) New fertilizer in my reservoir. Tips of leaves vere a little bit yellow. Looked like tipburn. Also Ph went up to 6.5. So i decided to replace it. New one is EC 0.9, Ph corrected to 5.4. Temp 19Celsius (66f). Waste sollution was used to irrigate my vegetable :cool: .

2) Much more exciting news!! I believe I found reason why my arduino has frozen last time. Today morning it was frozen again. I foundt hat wires from some periferies are touching themselves by unisolated parts. Yesterday I moved some sensors so I might pull some wires to them.
Such a stupid mistake!!! So I isolated all wires by electrical isolation tape and hope there will be no more problems!

This raw is only learning what @Inner peace does.
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I like Bugsbee and his work, book I posted few days ago is his work as well. Really looking forward to ad co2 and push my ligt up to 1500! I will deffinitely share it here. I know that there is no space for errors, but this is hobby for me, I dont smoke either. So I know It can have bad end but dont mind. Edison destroyed 60 000 bulbs before he found right one:smoking:. I will try lumatek/photontek zeus 2,9. Like its tests on youtube.
I read some of the excerpts from the book and it was info that every grower should know.

This is a hobby for me, as well, and I smoke less now than when I started growing.

Re. different lights - we're seeing more and more lights that allow the grower to change spectrum. Also, companies are figuring out how to design lights with a more uniform canopy and yet remain cost competitive. The Spider Farmer SE 7000 is amazing in that respect. The color of the light impacts the shape of the plant but, per Bugbee, the plants only care about getting bathed in photons - the wavelength (color) really doesn't matter.

I didnt know that at day 10, it was light avoidance, thx. I just supported her but didnt change the light- I am hard guy:shooty:
Something changed because she was definitely trying to reduce her exposure to light. If you've got pictures from days 8 through 12, it would be interesting to see how she changed her "attitude" (meaning "position") during those days.
This is the most funny part of my growing, my plants behave in different way. Including photos of my last succesful grow few years ago DP think different - no training at all just the same blue light. Maybe because not enough of space, maybe because lot ot light at top cola makes photoinhibition od growth. Do you have any different ideas why this happens? I had some ph issues as you can see on leaves.View attachment 1484293View attachment 1484294
I'm not sure about the question that you're asking.

Re. leaf coloration - that looks like leaf coloration as a result of going into flower. And that's a really nice plant, as well!