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Ypu don’t know if humans are the worst aliens, let me answer ypu

Ypu believe we’re not alone, ypu believe there might be aliens out there ? I say this because you already said we’re not top of a list ?

How would we come across too aliens.. they would also consider us aliens !

Meaning of alien

a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living.
"an enemy alien"

Ypu have so much faith in man kind lol :biggrin: don’t you

We have been having wars since the early existence of man kind, we slaughter each other in cold blood, If there were any aliens they would think twice before visiting us, a planet moderately full with uncivilised creatures who love attacking each other. Would ypu visit a planet like this unless you wanted war.


but off course not all of. :toke:
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Where to begin with our moon..
I do think it's a coincidence, rather than being towed, placed or spontaneously manifested in place. My reasoning behind this is our knowledge of Phi also known as the golden mean ratio or fibonacci spiral. If you aren't aware of what this is or means don't delay, read up now!

In a nutshell, everything that makes up our reality follows one constant mathematical ratio, Phi. We know everything is constantly growing and changing to an eventual death. Now apply that thought process to a solar system. They are following Phi which we know for a fact because you receive Phi as a result of calculating the moon's dimensions in relation to earths and the distance between. So when moon finnaly align with planet's and stars so on and so forth you get life. The moon is perfectly placed like it is resulting in us and our experience of the matter is again proof.

I like string theory better lol.
Ypu don’t know if humans are the worst aliens, let me answer ypu

Ypu believe we’re not alone, ypu believe there might be aliens out there ? I say this because you already said we’re not top of a list ?

How would we come across too aliens.. they would also consider us aliens !

Meaning of alien

a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living.
"an enemy alien"

Ypu have so much faith in man kind lol :biggrin: don’t you

We have been having wars since the early existence of man kind, we slaughter each other in cold blood, If there were any aliens they would think twice before visiting us, a planet moderately full with uncivilised creatures who love attacking each other. Would ypu visit a planet like this unless you wanted war.


but off course not all of. :toke:
What if they are a billion years smarter but still uncivilized creatures? Hopefully they will love the awesome buds we grow and compromise to save humanity ! Cool topic & sorry if I offended religious followers.
evidence is mounting that we may not have been the first advanced civilization on earth.quite possible that we may not be the last.:cheers:
Dont get me going man lol. im the biggest nerd on the Ancient Astronaut Theory it drives my friends crazy. I dont think ppl realize how big the universe is. Its still growing right now at the speed of light but what boggles my mind is whats beyond the universe? Somthing cant grow if theres no room so whats beyond our universe is what freaks me out. We dont realize just how small and insognificant we are in the grand sceme of things.