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there may exist extraterrestrial biological entities that might be purer or advanced than human beings which is yet to be discovered by modern science.

hey auto melt :toke: whats out there????? anything and everything you can think of.
hey auto melt :toke: whats out there????? anything and everything you can think of.

things Are defently out there which ain’t arrogant or boastful. Neither do they think there superior too us. As somebody mentioned we don’t even know whats in the oceans , I can only imagine like all off us.
I’ve seen some interesting videos on the moon that show structures, perhaps that’s why we quit going? I’ve also seen some pics of mars that look like the 3 pyramids with the phenix from Egypt, but in a much greater state of erosion. It’s pretty subjective, but it’s pretty odd how ancient people on different continents that did not interact started building pyramids at the same time ? I don’t believe the pyramids were just tombs either. Some scientists believe there are certain spots on the earth where energy flows naturally & the pyramids were built to tap in to it . Tesla was trying to do this with his Wardenclyffe tower but JP Morgen shut that free power idea down with a quickness. Edison & the government discredited/black listed him & he became a recluse. When he died his relatives said the government raided his penthouse safe & took all his research. He got done dirty as f$ck , Marconi & Edison f$cked him hard core patent wise alone. He’s historically underrated in his achievements. Sorry no links but “The Truth Is Out There “ - x - files .