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I am glad I started this thread. it's making people think. about the universe...… it's really big alright! I am not a proponent of the big bang theory. I believe in an infinite universe that has no beginning or end. and also believe in the multiverse. adjacent universes. a string away. and as far as life is concerned, it's everywhere! and because the universe is infinite, anything can and will happen. if a million monkeys were banging on a million typewriters for a million years one of the would write Shakespeares plays.
and as far as my belief in a supreme being (god) no I don't believe. BUT I will defend your right to believe anything you want. Gods, devils, vampires, the easter bunny, santa claus,
tooth fairy, demons, ghosts whatever. I do believe in higher intelligence. it is spread throughout the universe. and I agree it's difficult to understand why they want to come here.
earth is a dangerous place. and they keep an eye on us like we are a melanoma. there has been a few comments about the flick idiocracy. that was supposed to take place 500 years in the future. but it is happening now!
I am glad I started this thread. it's making people think. about the universe...… it's really big alright! I am not a proponent of the big bang theory. I believe in an infinite universe that has no beginning or end. and also believe in the multiverse. adjacent universes. a string away. and as far as life is concerned, it's everywhere! and because the universe is infinite, anything can and will happen. if a million monkeys were banging on a million typewriters for a million years one of the would write Shakespeares plays.
and as far as my belief in a supreme being (god) no I don't believe. BUT I will defend your right to believe anything you want. Gods, devils, vampires, the easter bunny, santa claus,
tooth fairy, demons, ghosts whatever. I do believe in higher intelligence. it is spread throughout the universe. and I agree it's difficult to understand why they want to come here.
earth is a dangerous place. and they keep an eye on us like we are a melanoma. there has been a few comments about the flick idiocracy. that was supposed to take place 500 years in the future. but it is happening now!

Man I agree with this post 1 million percent. I believe in a higher being, not necessarily a "god" for all we know "gods" could just be aliens that interacted with prehistoric civilizations, which in my opinion further advanced than well ever be. And i thank you also for this thread its great information and an awesome topic to talk about
When people tell me they dont believe there is other life out there it blows my mind. Everyone thinks that a planet has to be just like ours to support life witch just isnt true look at all the many diffrent types of lifeforms on our own planet. Fish and other weird species that life in complete darkness at the bottoms of our oceans withstanding pressures that crush submarines like tin cans. There could be lifeforms that breathe fire or dont need to breathe at all the possibilities are endless.Life always finds a way. I believe we are a very small part of somthing bigger than we can comprehend right now and most likely never will. And on a side note i also think that the Grey Aliens alot of people claim to see are actually us from the future. If humans eventually have to leave our planet to survive and we lived in space we would evolve almost exactly like that. Skinny bc of no gravity, grey skin bc of lack of direct sunlight, and big black eyes to see in the darkness of space. Makes you wonder don't it.
the humans that wont face the obvious are on some kind of ego trip or they are scared to admit it. this is not a bad thing, most are unaware of it..
or it does not jibe with their religion. it is possible that some et's may come from this solar system. the science of today says that their is liquid water on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn
and now they have found a liquid water lake under the south polar ice cap of Mars. whose to say that there is not an aquatic species in this water.
they claim that the moons with liquid water has oceans 100 km deep. and with geological venting heat and life that doe not rely on photosynthesis. that has already been proven in the depths of our own ocean. a great movie about the very near future is Europa report. some of you that are young will see missions to these moons. I am 68 may not see this happen.:shrug:
being an old gummer does not effect my imagination.:woohoo:
Dont get me going man lol. im the biggest nerd on the Ancient Astronaut Theory it drives my friends crazy. I dont think ppl realize how big the universe is. Its still growing right now at the speed of light but what boggles my mind is whats beyond the universe? Somthing cant grow if theres no room so whats beyond our universe is what freaks me out. We dont realize just how small and insognificant we are in the grand sceme of things.
When people tell me they dont believe there is other life out there it blows my mind. Everyone thinks that a planet has to be just like ours to support life witch just isnt true look at all the many diffrent types of lifeforms on our own planet. Fish and other weird species that life in complete darkness at the bottoms of our oceans withstanding pressures that crush submarines like tin cans. There could be lifeforms that breathe fire or dont need to breathe at all the possibilities are endless.Life always finds a way. I believe we are a very small part of somthing bigger than we can comprehend right now and most likely never will. And on a side note i also think that the Grey Aliens alot of people claim to see are actually us from the future. If humans eventually have to leave our planet to survive and we lived in space we would evolve almost exactly like that. Skinny bc of no gravity, grey skin bc of lack of direct sunlight, and big black eyes to see in the darkness of space. Makes you wonder don't it.
did you see the 12 mile lake they found under the surface of mars using sonar , bet there’s at least microbes or something organic in it . There are oceans under the ice on Europa a moon that obits Jupiter . Scientists are building a probe to melt through the ice using a nuclear reactor. But they are afraid the reactor could leak & contaminate potential life . There’s lots of radiation on surface but the thick ice shields the water. The ice is like a mile thick I believe, a drill would work but how do you power it ? Without a reactor I don’t see it happening, but I hope I’m still kicking when they figure it out . The ocean is heated from friction due to gravitational forces or some shit like that lol, so who knows what could be down there? Maybe some huge bioluminescent creature that produces its own light , that would be cool !
the humans that wont face the obvious are on some kind of ego trip or they are scared to admit it. this is not a bad thing, most are unaware of it..
or it does not jibe with their religion. it is possible that some et's may come from this solar system. the science of today says that their is liquid water on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn
and now they have found a liquid water lake under the south polar ice cap of Mars. whose to say that there is not an aquatic species in this water.
they claim that the moons with liquid water has oceans 100 km deep. and with geological venting heat and life that doe not rely on photosynthesis. that has already been proven in the depths of our own ocean. a great movie about the very near future is Europa report. some of you that are young will see missions to these moons. I am 68 may not see this happen.:shrug:
being an old gummer does not effect my imagination.:woohoo:
You were typing the same as me pretty much at the same time lol . I saw that movie a few times , as you can tell from my bioluminescent statement lol.
here's a song from my early days of speculation about the universe.
I’m watching a new Netflix movie about aliens called Extinction, love science fiction movies . Perhaps they will one day be called just science movies lol!