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Cool video, watch some Bob Lazar videos about unimpentiuom 119 or some shit like that . It’s what he claims powers alien anti gravity engines . He worked at Area 51 in the 90’s when he made these claims. Now magically that element 119 20 so years later is listed on the table/chart . They said he was nuts & he died soon after I believe to a weird accident, imagine that lol! If those lying greedy fucks admitted they have been studying interstellar vehicles for 70 years they would have to explain why we still burn fossil fuels & nuclear energy & hope I’m alive for that shit show !!!
The Moscovium 115 from what I understand can be used to power particle accelerators for time space travel, It creates a gravity wave when split.
I am not just another pretty face.:eyebrows: I grow too! and here is a pic of an alien eating my bud! I know he looks like a parakeet, but he has an IQ of 450.:cheers:View attachment 933649 View attachment 933650 View attachment 933651 View attachment 933652
Oh hell I didn't see this! I had a parakeet when I was in high school and mom would let that bird out when my alarm went off. He would come over and make sure I got out of bed!!!!! Yeah, it was hard waking up in high school. Being a teenager and working a bunch of hours, kind of made it hard to get up sometimes in the morning.
work,work, work! another girl chopped and hanging to dry. I need an assistant. :cheers:View attachment 934426 View attachment 934427 View attachment 934428 View attachment 934429


You got something to tell us?
@WildBill . :bighug: at least i didn't try to make it out of mashed potato's .:goauto:

Thank you all for dropping by. you guys have made this thread great. over 166K views. :goauto:
The final girl, ILeen is dead. :shooty: . thank you Seb. I dismembered her :warrior: and put her in bags to bury.


Thanks to the earth's massive iron core, imagine harnessing just a portion of the energy that goes into the making of our huge magnetosphere!

There's the rub!
Energy taken from that, there will be less that goes into the magnetosphere.
Guess what protects us from a lot of those nasty rays coming from the Sun!

Be careful what you wish for!​
We need the energy but there's no perfect way to get all that juice. I'd settle for "too cheap to meter" at this point.
The first time I saw this thread, I thought the notion was mostly hogwash but kept an open mind. Then the tictac videos and learned lots of other reasons not to believe what our masters tell us.

Then the hearings and allegations of threats and recriminations. I had a conversation with my adult son recently when I said, "There's definitely something out there." They only question I have now, is are they UFOs, or UAPs? GAO?

RIP Ileen...


    Points: 10
    Thanks for being open/willing to begin to understand that what we think is not real. Everything is being torn apart so we can see we have been lied to all our lives.
@Nosias . :bighug: the low IQ people need that drip. if they learned all the truth at once their head would explode. :haha:

@Green Hornet . :bighug:I firmly believe that there IS life in some of the oceans of the gas giant moons AND it is highly likely that they are advanced and live in our oceans as well. :goauto: they want nothing to do with the shit flinging monkey's. oh ya plants! 64
@WildBill . :bighug:sorry to hear. but at least we both caught it before it spread.:thumbsup:View attachment 1617776View attachment 1617777View attachment 1617778View attachment 1617779View attachment 1617780View attachment 1617781View attachment 1617782View attachment 1617783
I could roll some nice doobs out of that. What we need on Europa is boots on the... uh... ice.