Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

This book was written in 1952.

"But, despite these difficulties, Adamski has managed to give us a glimpse of a civilization we might well envy; a civilization our grandchildren maybe fortunate enough to enjoy. On whom will decision rest? Who shall decide whether future generations shall tread the starry ways and listen to the music of the spheres or whether they, deformed mutations, live in caves and scratch the poisoned soil with primitive picks to eke a wretched living in a world of horror triumphant? We shall! The decision rests with us. Humanity has presented itself with a final ultimatum—live the Life or perish forever. Into this snakepit of quarreling atomic giants and muddled frightened
people comes a flash of light. It radiates down from a beautiful crystalline ship in which we believe are men who have mastered their passions and would help us master our own—if we would let them. We cannot afford to ignore them. We are in no position to sit and split hairs when the very foundations of this planet are teetering on disaster. Read, then, the following with an open mind and see whether the light of its teaching rings true.

Adamski, George. Inside the Spaceships . Unknown. Kindle Edition.
I'm excited to see how it unfolds, hopefully I have attained the level of consciousnesses needed where either I or a facet of my true original source energy will be able to shift into the New Earth and its higher dimension:toke:
Service to others I believe is the key. Think of others rather than serve yourself. Judge not for we are only in this illusion to learn lessons for OURSELVES.
Service to others I believe is the key. Think of others rather than serve yourself. Judge not for we are only in this illusion to learn lessons for OURSELVES.
I know that love is everything and service to others is definitely important. I might be wrong on this but many of the others have their own per-determined journey, maybe for the experience agreed upon before entering the physical body or to help maintain the illusion.
I know that love is everything and service to others is definitely important. I might be wrong on this but many of the others have their own per-determined journey, maybe for the experience agreed upon before entering the physical body or to help maintain the illusion.
We all are here because we chose to be here this I believe. Since we have free will things do turn out different that we had planed. We chose our parents and other soul mates. Then we reincarnate and we forget everything and we strive to understand what is the reason we are in this grand allusion called the 3rd dimension. I know only what vibrates with myself and I continue to awaken. It is all so strange from the "reality" that we were brain washed into believing. You are not wrong at all. You have free will to chose the right vibes for you. The universe plays a tune for us all. I recently learn to listen to the tune running in my head. Stay in the love and the light of the one creator.
I found this very meaningful ...

“We of other worlds who have been living unrecognized amongst you can see clearly how identity with Divine origin has been lost. People of Earth have become separate entities which are no longer truly human in expression as in the beginning they were. Now they are but slaves of habit. Nonetheless, imprisoned within these habits is still the original soul that yearns for expression according to its Divine inheritance. This smothered urge is bound to disturb deeply the man chained to his ruts by the mechanism of habit. And this is why, desiring finer and greater expression, more often than men realize, something stirring within the depths of their beings leaves the habit-bound self uneasy and restless. Yet the habit is so powerful in its accumulation that while man wants to listen to this kind, wise voice, he fears to yield, not knowing where it might lead him. However, until man can cast off the shackles of his personal self-pride and allow this voice to guide him, he will continue to live as a warrior against the laws of his own being. “As you know, so long as men do not desire to change their way of living, none can help them. Those few on Earth who do sincerely desire to learn the laws of the Infinite One must try to lead the others. And we of other worlds will help them.”

Adamski, George. Inside the Spaceships . Unknown. Kindle Edition.
Just another feeding. :toke: not an grow n show update. @Hazy ya! a trifecta . but with no win, place or show. :bighug:
man this is work! i need a nap. :sleeping: @Nosias. ! hope Adamski is right. Maybe just maybe we will be able to handle this Paradigm shift. :bighug: i will tag those the provided. :thumbsup: @Fast Buds Heather . and @BombSeeds. thank you.:cheers:
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Back on with @Twenty20
. Mendocino Go Go autos. broke surface. :thumbsup: .