one more HSO girl down.

the HSO Chem Bomb. is in drying closet. trichomes and test bud told me to take her, day 80 something?
i am smoking scissor joint at the moment, and it's hanging off my lower lip.

stuck to it from resin.

i think it my be better than the chocolate mint?? not sure yet.
@HSO-Mark i miss you my friend.

hope you come back. thank you for all you have done.

took some trichome shots. mostly milky, some amber. pistils stayed white, like one of the " White cultivars" Very strong. fruit and fuel taste.
also them fukkin la gelato, they have been on 12/12 for a week, still don't know if they bloom?

i am waiting for some Mephisto seeds.
And need my 20/4 cycle back. two pages of pics.
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