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So in watching all the Lazar videos and understanding what we are dealing with I decided to do a search of gravitation waves. I found this ted talk and I'd like to share:
@Chubba :toke: Einstein was working on a unified field theory before he died. he wanted to work some kind of gravity wave in his formula.
he speculated that gravity was a wave. then he died before finishing. 60 years later that wave has been found. my problem with the latest Cosmology theory. is so called dark matter and dark energy. that supposed to make up90% 0f our universe. i DO not subscribe to this Theory.
the missing mass and energy comes from a particle that scientists claim has no weight or mass like a neutrino. the almighty Photon.
think about Photons, they permeate the entire universe in every direction. and when you look at a distant object , as an example the Andromeda galaxy, it's 2.5 million light years from us. as soon as your eye sees it. there is a SOLID line of Photons stretching from Andromeda to your eye.
Photons are NOT pulsed. they form a solid line between two points. AND this light is shooting off in ALL directions. at the same time.
imagine those solid lines of Photons traveling in every direction at once. they fill the Universe. if they exsist ,then they have weight and mass.
missing mass in the Universe FOUND. my Cosmology theory. on missing mass.

Always remember the KEY word here is Theory. Theory is NOT fact. a few hundred years ago most scientists believed the Earth was the center of the universe, and Flat. and even today. people believe is some very strange things.
So in watching all the Lazar videos and understanding what we are dealing with I decided to do a search of gravitation waves. I found this ted talk and I'd like to share:

Welcome to the best duality thread here. Welcome. :welcome: :smoking:
I’m aware that some of the tic-Tacs contain cloned beings that have an element of consciousness, almost like a fragment from a larger source of awareness.
We are a cloned/manufactured race. Some one made us. Some one put us here on Earth. And our continued lives are not guaranteed. We have been wiped out a number of times as we just let our free will run all ego.
I did buy the new Dr Greer new movie, Close Encounters of the 5th Kind. It was REALLY really powerful. I strongly hope more can see it. To some it maybe too much for others it can ring a lot of bells and really made sense to me. Then again we all get what we need when we are ready. We are all are one in the here and now. A few lines from the movie that "hit" me is " ... we do not need to plan where we need to go. As we are already here." Everything is the here and now. We never go someplace as we are always where we are.

This time, shut up here at home, has given me the time to start my process of becoming aware of what the real reality is and why we are here.
So in watching all the Lazar videos and understanding what we are dealing with I decided to do a search of gravitation waves. I found this ted talk and I'd like to share:

if you have amazon prime video then they have a shit load of ufo and awareness movies. Also look for the grand dame Dolores Cannon. She died in 2014 and she is easy listening to.
if you have amazon prime video then they have a shit load of ufo and awareness movies. Also look for the grand dame Dolores Cannon. She died in 2014 and she is easy listening to.
The Dolores Convoluted Universe series is a must read :smoking:
I'm old, heard so many ideas and theories on this subject.... personally, I think we're an example to show other beings of what NOT to evolve into. :toke: your old? i am 70+ :baked: I agree. the only change i would make to what you say is the human race is Devolving. and should go. to save ALL the other millions of species. and the planet. :smokeout:
We just had our first snow, sleet, hail. :snow2: lasted about 15 min. finally.......................