Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Humanity was hijacked a millennium ago by these psychopaths that are responsible, they’ve lost their connection to the source and use the octopus of global control to lower the vibration of the planet. It will not be until there is mass awareness that our 5 sense perception of reality is just a point of consciousness interacting with the wave field, that we can change events There is a new earth coming, I’m ready for it :smoking:
@Stylez2 i don't know ? because of germination problems all different start times. and i am not known for my memory. :baked:
@Jpkindbud i think his reaserch is still there. but free energy will always be suppressed. by those that make a fortune Foisting off the petro dollar.
and keeping the Status Quo . i get a kick out of politics. everybody wants to take down the old white men that have been running the fucked up show since the beginning of recorded history. BUT they don't want to give up power. why would they?? and guess who is waiting in the wings?
Slightly younger old white men, waiting to take over. all a huge joke. these old goats will never give up power! and will continue to CONTROL .
everything you read or hear. people think an election can change things. WRONG. the people running things are NOT the ones running for office.
And voting is an obsolete concept. like "Government" just look at the meaning of means, you give the right for some stranger to tell you what to do. and take money from you. Wake up sheeples! @Nosias baaaaa baaaaa. :gary:
When it comes to politics, I believe we have the illusion of choice :smoking:
Do you know that apocalypse means the great awakening, or revealing?
This election cycle will be the attempted grand illusion we have heard about. But it wont be UFOs and holograms it'll be much more real and consequential. My predictions trump wins 340+ electoral college. Biden will "win" after 20 days after the election when all the mail in and harvested ballots come in. It'll be a constitutional crisis for 45 days until supreme court decides trump is winner. First 7 months will be spent regaining control of the crazy insane shit that happens in the month after election. Prepare yourselves for paid looters/rioters the emails have alrdy gone out promising millions of dollars in funding the chaos. I dont have a boat in this race as to who I want to win. I just dont want the chaos that's about to happen. Prepare. If you live in a big city have pepperballs firearms etc whatever you can get now to stop the violence from coming from ur doorstep to in your house. Buckle up. It's going to be nuckin futs
This is a very likely outcome, I wouldn’t be surprised either if Biden steps down and then welcomes the Clinton crime family back with the appointment of Hiliary. There is also unfinished business with the Iranian Nuclear treaty, it was Benjamin N, that applied pressure to the administration to redact the treaty. I believe elements of Israel want a war with Iran and it’s wants Uncle Sam to fight it for it, Trump is unfortunately their guy for this job.
Fellow travelers of the 3 to 1 ratio universe. also known as the space/ time continuum. we are almost talking politics now. have to be careful or arguments will break out. and we will be told ( by our government to stop). :rofl: lets just say politics suck! and leave it at that.
now back to the 3 in 1 universe. our universe can be conceived with our limited minds as height, width, and depth. working within time, the fourth
dimension. but according to latest theory in Quantum physics and particle theory there are a total of 11 dimensions. a 10 to 1 ratio. this is theory.
key word in all this is THEORY. 11 dimensions more than likely is just the tip of a huge iceburg and there are infinite numbers of dimensions.
when we leave this plane of exsistance we move in to another universe where we will have acsess to a universe that uses ALL dimensions.:doc1: and in our new spiritual state we will be able to move through ALL space/time. at will. :woohoo:

Mr Magoo I've read as much as available about Tesla, honestly it seems like there's not much there. We all know Edison and Westinghouse were in it for the money whereas Tesla was trying to help all mankind. He was known as brilliant at an early age. Once older he quit school because he had learned more than they could teach him. His innovation was unreal, being able to theorize alternating current and developed actual applications just from his ideas from concepts not yet invisioned. They say Tesla 'discovered' alternating current but I think developed would be a better description seeing as how it didn't really exist as we know it until he created it and it's been pretty much unchanged ever since. The way Americans treated Tesla is abhorrent burning down his facility including all devices plans ideas within it.
If we think about history and how change is resisted by ignorant masses believing propaganda, it's no wonder why the power grid has been the same for 100 years though we carry computers in our pockets.
I think the Indians had it right. Take care of your people, take care of the animals and take care of the land because it's all tied together and I'll remember this quote 'only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can't eat money.'
Compassion joy and love is the next step in evolution, some are already there, some will never be.
Welcome home.
Fellow travelers of the 3 to 1 ratio universe. also known as the space/ time continuum. we are almost talking politics now. have to be careful or arguments will break out. and we will be told ( by our government to stop). :rofl: lets just say politics suck! and leave it at that.
now back to the 3 in 1 universe. our universe can be conceived with our limited minds as height, width, and depth. working within time, the fourth
dimension. but according to latest theory in Quantum physics and particle theory there are a total of 11 dimensions. a 10 to 1 ratio. this is theory.
key word in all this is THEORY. 11 dimensions more than likely is just the tip of a huge iceburg and there are infinite numbers of dimensions.
when we leave this plane of exsistance we move in to another universe where we will have acsess to a universe that uses ALL dimensions.:doc1: and in our new spiritual state we will be able to move through ALL space/time. at will. :woohoo:

Agree. Soon enough we will see.
@Nosias being over 70, I want to live long enough to see. future lunar landings, the first human on Mars, and a meeting on television between humans and ET. but i don't know for sure i will make it? :baked: i am gonna try.:cheers:
Fellow travelers of the 3 to 1 ratio universe. also known as the space/ time continuum. we are almost talking politics now. have to be careful or arguments will break out. and we will be told ( by our government to stop). :rofl: lets just say politics suck! and leave it at that.
now back to the 3 in 1 universe. our universe can be conceived with our limited minds as height, width, and depth. working within time, the fourth
dimension. but according to latest theory in Quantum physics and particle theory there are a total of 11 dimensions. a 10 to 1 ratio. this is theory.
key word in all this is THEORY. 11 dimensions more than likely is just the tip of a huge iceburg and there are infinite numbers of dimensions.
when we leave this plane of exsistance we move in to another universe where we will have acsess to a universe that uses ALL dimensions.:doc1: and in our new spiritual state we will be able to move through ALL space/time. at will. :woohoo:

What's your take on clones in correlation to time travel? DNA vs. No DNA? Untraceable?
Fellow travelers of the 3 to 1 ratio universe. also known as the space/ time continuum. we are almost talking politics now. have to be careful or arguments will break out. and we will be told ( by our government to stop). :rofl: lets just say politics suck! and leave it at that.
now back to the 3 in 1 universe. our universe can be conceived with our limited minds as height, width, and depth. working within time, the fourth
dimension. but according to latest theory in Quantum physics and particle theory there are a total of 11 dimensions. a 10 to 1 ratio. this is theory.
key word in all this is THEORY. 11 dimensions more than likely is just the tip of a huge iceburg and there are infinite numbers of dimensions.
when we leave this plane of exsistance we move in to another universe where we will have acsess to a universe that uses ALL dimensions.:doc1: and in our new spiritual state we will be able to move through ALL space/time. at will. :woohoo:

Indeed I agree :smoking: