Live Stoners WE ARE NOT ALONE!

@Nosias .:pass:can't open those. and i have listened to bob since 1989. and been with this train of thought since 1960.
when i had my first scope.:bighug:very few documentrey's i have not seen.:smokeout:
got them open! YES! the us patent office has many secrets. and if you take the time to search you will find unbelieveble information. like the us gov. and big pharma putting patents on individual cannabinoids that make up the chemical content of cannabis. :yoinks: and can apply patent law on the use of these cannabinoids.
@DeanOnAuto there is plenty of evidence to support what Bob Lazar has said. i believe him. :thumbsup:
All one needs is an open mind. I am a very good reader of people. It is all in their eyes. When most tell a lie their eyes look for your reaction. They need to know IF this lie was detected. When you tell the truth you do not care how it is received. That is how I sense it at least. So for me I know Bob Lazar and many others Speaks the truth of what they did for a "job".

Side bar. I had a cousin and she married a local man from a small midwestern city of 900. He was very smart. He had a "job". After a few years he stayed home and did not leave go to work. He stayed in their home for many many years. I being a dumb-shit boy never really thought much more about it. OK so he was fired and they lived on whatever they could, I guessed. Out of site out of mind.

When he attended the funeral for my mom I was pleased to see him there. Though I was very surprised to see him after 40 years.

He came to give his condolences and also to "open" up about his "job". He had worked on the Hydrogen Bomb project. He said the reality of what this bomb could do was more than he could mentally handle. So they sent him home. Yes truths can be kept secret. When some of them are open to the light of day WE can not believe what we found out.
@Rebel i have read about them. i am unlucky. :shrug:years of observing the sky with various telescopes, i have not seen one thing i could not identify. i firmly believe they come here, and that our governments have retrieved ET craft. and have Back engineered various systems from these ships. Power is knowledge. but POWER is not shared. so most are kept in the dark. our governments are being forced to acknowlage some information. but all they will say is yes they are real. but they wont tell you that half the sightings are of our own ET copy vehicles.
the truth is far stranger than any fiction.
For me, this is 100% true. I no longer wonder about "it" I am just waiting on the when.
got them open! YES! the us patent office has many secrets. and if you take the time to search you will find unbelieveble information. like the us gov. and big pharma putting patents on individual cannabinoids that make up the chemical content of cannabis. :yoinks: and can apply patent law on the use of these cannabinoids.
I love the part that says that this is an EXTENDED patent good until 2034. Issued in 2018 and so a "normal" patent is 17 years, right? I did not search for this. It came up on a rabbit hole search and some one else found it. I do not want to take any "credit" for this research.
Nikola Tesla was as smart as Einstein but was beaten down by Edison, Westinghouse, J.P. Morgan
and others that wanted to make money on what Tesla would provide for free. WE the people have been ripped off ever since.
as the fat cats get rich. this has not changed! only the names of the fat cats. :bighug: :cheers:
Nikola Tesla was as smart as Einstein but was beaten down by Edison, Westinghouse, J.P. Morgan
and others that wanted to make money on what Tesla would provide for free. WE the people have been ripped off ever since.
as the fat cats get rich. this has not changed! only the names of the fat cats. :bighug: :cheers:

The desire to put yourself above others is the root of all evil

Their sense of self-worth is so high that they believe themselves to be deserving of the best experiences. One cannot feel superior if others are having an equal-to or greater-than experience. Therefore, the objective that evil beings tend to commonly have is to lower the quality of experiences held by others. It is for this reason that they are notorious for bringing pain, misery and destruction. Rather than uplifting the light within others, they wish to diminish it; to shroud everyone in darkness so that they can feel like the shining candle in a dark room.

Carwin, James. Pleiadian Prophecy 2020: The New Golden Age (p. 23). James Carwin. Kindle Edition.
I did Google it and seems like they have been used in over seas action. I believe this is the US Navy patent for the "propulsion system" that makes this happen.

Back in 1989 Bob Lazar spoke about what he did for the Secret Space program. Netflix has a documentary on him. Fascinating.

After 12 years of seeing these things, as there has to be a fleet, and knowing this land here.... It's my personal belief it's military, using Tesla's gravity based propulsion. This land is filled with MOUNDS. Not all mounds were burial mounds. I also believe ancient Giants built these mounds (I'm in the Mid Ohio Valley) originally... Not the Hopewell and Adena. Yes they built ON TOP of them.... But I digress... It's a power grid. Lay lines. Concentration of energy. Sometimes they act as if they are recharging ...

One day down on the Ohio River we watched it go from left to right across the entire length of the sky in front of us. You ALWAYS see them on sunny cloudless days as that metallic body can't help but look like a beacon when the sun hits it. About 2/3 of the way across it started MORPHING. I mean like how I imagine the Philly experiment going .. men just phasing in and out... Then it went invisible for a few seconds and POPPED back into visibility several miles away from where we saw it fade out.

I know those are humans inside. I don't thin it's aliens. I think the military LOVES that people THINK it's aliens... Just like area 51. Which I do have a personal story about... On down I'll tell it.

Nikola Tesla was as smart as Einstein but was beaten down by Edison, Westinghouse, J.P. Morgan
and others that wanted to make money on what Tesla would provide for free. WE the people have been ripped off ever since.
as the fat cats get rich. this has not changed! only the names of the fat cats. :bighug: :cheers:

He was our SAVIOR and they destroyed him mentally and financially. Then when he died destitute they stole his work immediately and created all this evil with it.

The desire to put yourself above others is the root of all evil

Their sense of self-worth is so high that they believe themselves to be deserving of the best experiences. One cannot feel superior if others are having an equal-to or greater-than experience. Therefore, the objective that evil beings tend to commonly have is to lower the quality of experiences held by others. It is for this reason that they are notorious for bringing pain, misery and destruction. Rather than uplifting the light within others, they wish to diminish it; to shroud everyone in darkness so that they can feel like the shining candle in a dark room.

Carwin, James. Pleiadian Prophecy 2020: The New Golden Age (p. 23). James Carwin. Kindle Edition.

Absolutely TRUE!!! LOVE IT!

ok so when I worked in Vegas my production managers son was stationed at Area 51 as a firefighter in the Army. He said there were "entities" on base that had clearance to where NO ONE could question them or who they were. Higher level government... Black ops. 51 is all about anti gravity propulsion and reverse engineering. At least today it is ..

for anyone that has not seen this............these boys were eating mushrooms in the late 30s. get high and watch it.:cheers:,,,