Dutch Passion Waximus' DP Auto Durban Poison, in TLO soil

ok. No Mas..... I am sorry to say, I am just not able to get these plants back on their feet... I've noticed, in the past week, that every time I water them deep, the next day there are new problems. I have to assume that the Mass Whole ShiteSoil is just not being kind to these autos. At this point, Thalia is just stopped and fading and Calliope has a nute burn fit every 3 days. They're both struggling, and its not worth the space or utilities to haspice them. Frustrated, with a heartbroken chaser.....
I'll spare y'all the slaughter pics lol
So, I'm going to go through my seed inventory tomorrow, and start a couple of new babies.
I think I'll pop the last Auto Durban Poison, and just plant into Sunshine#4. I can then soup feed them with the Roots Organic master plan- NO "supersoiling" them to death, at least for a run (or 6)...
Anybody grown out Barny's Blue Mammoth Auto?? I have 2 of those seeds. Intriguing name, that....
So, stay tuned, and I'll post up a new thread once the logistics are sorted.
some love, Peeps
SO sorry to hear that Wax, as with us humans some last longer than others and some go before their time. But with every end there is a new begining and lessons learned hardest are learned best. Sending Karma you way my friend
Ah Wax Bummer bummer Sorry to hear of your girls impending doom. But sometimes tis better to scrap a plan and start over when things go awry.

Now ya gotta get back up on that horse and ride. Mass quantities of good karma for the next run. Save the supper soil for the photos.
SO sorry to hear that Wax, as with us humans some last longer than others and some go before their time. But with every end there is a new begining and lessons learned hardest are learned best. Sending Karma you way my friend
Thanks for the comforting words, derek :) I appreciate the Karma! We have the grandkids today, so seed selection will be tomorrow. Thanks for stopping in, Bro!

Ah Wax Bummer bummer Sorry to hear of your girls impending doom. But sometimes tis better to scrap a plan and start over when things go awry.

Now ya gotta get back up on that horse and ride. Mass quantities of good karma for the next run. Save the supper soil for the photos.
Thank you, Brother :) You said it... I'm just not experienced enough with super soils and autos. These next girls, Its Sunshine mix and a straight nute schedule. Appreciate the karma! I can use it, today lolol
Ah yes cherish the moments with the grandkids
MmmHmmm! They simultaneously exhaust and recharge us! lololol
(And, a MILLION silly kids movies...... oy... where's my DabOTG.... lololol)
Sorry to hear that, Wax. Bounce back with somethin' funky, bro!
Sorry to hear that, Wax. Bounce back with somethin' funky, bro!
Thanks, Bro :) I have a couple auto Blue Mammoth from Barney's... I was thinking of popping one, and popping another auto Durban, too. I want to see what this plant can do! lolol
Damn! That truly sucks bro! ....as someone who has been having a troubled grow I feel ur pain. I have come close to giving my dutch cheese the axe many time now! ..hope you come back strong brother!
Fight the good fight, JT! Don't give it up, bro! On another note, Dazed threw up a BAM SLAM thread, to get the word out, and to get the ball rolling early.