But sometimes I feel like things that just seem to crazy to believe, are probably hard to believe because of the constant brainwashing the youth are put through.
Exactly correct, Truu. (Most of) our brainwashing began at birth and is finally pounded home in public schools and through the mainstream media. The belief that our elected governments are "on our side" is so strongly imprinted. They are watching out for us. They're concerned for our health and safety. They are clean and just, out to put the bad guys behind bars. They are the good guys, and they love you.
Finding out that a comparative tiny few are ruling all the governments of the world and are out for absolute dominance and power over a drastically culled population by means of disease, war, famine, weather modification and media propaganda and mind control would be simply unbelievable. Thank the internet we're able to call up all kinds of documentation on all of this stuff.
A simple look at the Boston drill of 2013 should be enough to make you go, "What the fuck?" If not, sleep tight.
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