Watever you do, Don't Talk about the Weather

Oh awesome i like Bruce Lipton! I recommend his book "Biology of Belief" ! Very good stuff
Forgot to mention, when its summer I can see chemtrails almost daily, in the morning you can see nice blue sky and then after a lot of airplanes its like artificial clouds above and you cant see sun clearly :( I'm gonna make video when the summer comes....
:smokeit: silent-grower, welcome to "the craZY PEOPLE" circle.. :crying:

Forgot to mention, when its summer I can see chemtrails almost daily, in the morning you can see nice blue sky and then after a lot of airplanes its like artificial clouds above and you cant see sun clearly :( I'm gonna make video when the summer comes....

yep... i see it more in the summer... maybe due to light / time im up and around... but yep... daily for weeks on end sometimes..
always pulls storms or other weather fronts in...

I believe they are conjunctive with HAARP systems.
not that I trust History Channel... but this gives you a basic understanding for those who don't know:
Man tesla is one of my interests. What a great mind man. It's a shame humans keep humans from progressing. He had something we don't lol.
Tesla my countryman :) One of the greatest minds ever but born in wrong time, even now people cant understand his ideas...
Hahaha actually i made few experiments, maybe i'll show them some day here, right now a lot of things is happening in the life...
Brand new Graham Hancock... From December 2014 :woohoo:
